

This page contains examples of common use cases for the Houski API.

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Search for permits in a city
In this example, we are retrieving properties that have permit data in Calgary. To search through the permits, we are using a case insensitive regex search the informational content of the permit for the word 'secondary' or 'suite'. Only properties with permit data will be returned when using the filter_expand_match=all parameter. We are then limiting the results per each page to 3. Additionally by using the expand_permit_application_date_gt parameter, we are limiting our search only to permits that have been issued within the last 180 days.
Shell session
curl -X GET "https://api.houski.ca/properties?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&city=calgary&country_abbreviation=ca&expand=permits&expand_permit_application_date_gt=2024-06-06&expand_permit_content_regex=(?i)\b(secondary|suite)\b&filter_expand_match=all&province_abbreviation=ab&results_per_page=3"
TypeScript code
const houski_recipe_data = async (): Promise<PropertiesResponse> => {

    // You must copy the PropertiesResponse type declarations from the 
    // Houski API documentation to strongly type the response

    const url = new URL('https://api.houski.ca/properties');
    url.searchParams.set('api_key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
    url.searchParams.set('city', 'calgary');
    url.searchParams.set('country_abbreviation', 'ca');
    url.searchParams.set('expand', 'permits');
    url.searchParams.set('expand_permit_application_date_gt', '2024-06-06');
    url.searchParams.set('expand_permit_content_regex', '(?i)\b(secondary|suite)\b');
    url.searchParams.set('filter_expand_match', 'all');
    url.searchParams.set('province_abbreviation', 'ab');
    url.searchParams.set('results_per_page', '3');

    const response = await fetch(url);
    const data = await response.json();

    return data;

(async () => {
let data: PropertiesResponse = await houski_recipe_data();

// Log the response
  "cache_hit": false,
  "cost_cents": 0.6299999952316284,
  "data": [
      "address": "2804 Morley Trail NW",
      "permits": [
          "expand_permit_application_date": "2024-08-19",
          "expand_permit_content": "Status: In Circulation|Category: Residential - Multi-Family|Description: NEW: TOWNHOUSE (1 BUILDING), SECONDARY SUITES (4 SUITES), ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING (GARAGE)|Proposed use code: C1020; C2626; C2870|Proposed use description: ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING; SECONDARY SUITE; TOWNHOUSE|Permitted/discretionary: Discretionary|Land use district: R-CG|Land use district description: Residential - Grade-Oriented Infill|Concurrent LOC: N/A|Decision: N/A|Decision by: N/A|Decision date: N/A|Canceled/refused date: N/A|SDAB Number: N/A|SDAB hearing date: N/A|SDAB Decision: N/A|SDAB decision date: N/A",
          "expand_permit_id": "DP2024-06039",
          "expand_permit_type": "Development",
          "property_id": "103595a7656ef605"
      "property_id": "103595a7656ef605"
      "address": "7343 Huntley Road NE",
      "permits": [
          "expand_permit_application_date": "2024-10-07",
          "expand_permit_content": "Status: New|Issued date: N/A|Completed date: N/A|Estimated project cost: 2500.0|Permit class: Secondary Suites|Permit type: Residential Improvement Project|Permit type mapped: Building|Work class: Alteration|Work class group: Improvement|Work class mapped: Existing|applicant: KTRAN DESIGN AND DRAFTING|contractor: N/A|estimated project cost: 2500.0|Total square feet affected: N/A|Housing units affected: 1",
          "expand_permit_id": "BP2024-21285",
          "expand_permit_type": "Building",
          "property_id": "1039860dac72fced"
      "property_id": "1039860dac72fced"
      "address": "152 Savanna Drive NE",
      "permits": [
          "expand_permit_application_date": "2024-10-22",
          "expand_permit_content": "Status: Issued Permit|Issued date: 2024-11-06T00:00:00.000|Completed date: N/A|Estimated project cost: 79732.29|Permit class: Secondary Suites|Permit type: Residential Improvement Project|Permit type mapped: Building|Work class: Alteration|Work class group: Improvement|Work class mapped: Existing|applicant: N/A|contractor: N/A|estimated project cost: 79732.29|Total square feet affected: N/A|Housing units affected: 1",
          "expand_permit_id": "BP2024-22450",
          "expand_permit_type": "Building",
          "property_id": "10422b6a629216e4"
      "property_id": "10422b6a629216e4"
  "error": "",
  "pagination": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "has_next_page": true,
    "has_previous_page": false,
    "page_total": 627
  "price_quote": false,
  "result_total": 1879,
  "time_ms": 1024,
  "ui_info": {
    "city": "Calgary",
    "city_id": "6ec95b53075d062c",
    "city_link": "ca/ab/calgary",
    "city_slug": "calgary",
    "country": "Canada",
    "country_abbreviation": "CA",
    "country_abbreviation_id": "9ace2b6431b7f1be",
    "country_abbreviation_link": "ca",
    "country_slug": "canada",
    "province": "Alberta",
    "province_abbreviation": "AB",
    "province_abbreviation_id": "aae1f05a0f89d2c7",
    "province_abbreviation_link": "ca/ab",
    "province_slug": "alberta"