
17 Margueretta Street



infoHouski score

Houski score of the property

infoHouski score
infoProperty type

Type of property

infoProperty type
infoEstimated list price

Estimated list price of the property

infoEstimated list price
infoEstimated sale price

Estimated sale price of the property

infoEstimated sale price
infoEstimate rent monthly

The estimate of the cost of renting the entire property monthly

infoEstimate rent monthly
infoFor sale

Is the property for sale

infoFor sale
infoFor rent

Is the property for rent

infoFor rent
infoConstruction year

Year the property was constructed

infoConstruction year

Table of Contents

Market value

Price predictions update in real time, as you edit the property's details.

Houski's market value predictions are the estimated prices that a property would list and sell for in the current real estate market. It takes into account various factors such as the property's location, condition, size, and features, as well as supply and demand.

$800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,100,000 $1,200,000 Sep '23 Nov '23 Jan '24 Mar '24 May '24 Jul '24 Sep '24 Sale price List price


These are estimates of the listing history for this property, based on machine learning and data from various sources across the internet.

No listing data for this property


The investment section contains information about the financial prospects of the property, such as its potential return on investment, cash flow, and other financial metrics.

The calculations are based on a hypothetical 5% interest rate mortgage with a 20% down payment, and our estimated sale price for the property.

infoCapitalization rate

Cap rate

infoCapitalization rate
infoCash on cash return

Cash on cash return

infoCash on cash return
infoReturn on investment

Return on investment

infoReturn on investment
infoPrice per square foot

The estimated sale price per square meter of this property.

infoPrice per square foot
infoList price vs estimate

Difference between the actual current list price and the estimated list price

infoList price vs estimate
infoAssessment vs estimate

Difference between the actual current assessment value and the estimated sale price

infoAssessment vs estimate
Underassessed by $441,523


The building section contains information about the physical features of the property.

infoProperty type

Type of property

infoProperty type
infoInterior square feet

Interior square feet of the property

infoInterior square feet
1228 sq ft
infoFull bathrooms

Number of full bathrooms in the property

infoFull bathrooms
infoHalf bathrooms

Number of half bathrooms in the property

infoHalf bathrooms

Number of bedrooms in the property


Number of dens in the property


Number of fireplaces in the property


Number of floors above ground in the property

infoFloor plan type

Type of floor plan

infoFloor plan type
infoArchitecture style

Style of architecture

infoArchitecture style
infoOwnership type

Type of ownership

infoOwnership type
infoExterior finish

Exterior finish of the property

infoExterior finish
infoFence type

Type of fence around the property

infoFence type
infoFloor material

Type of material of the floor

infoFloor material
infoFloor material (second)

Type of material of the floor

infoFloor material (second)
infoRoof functional

Is the roof functional

infoRoof functional
infoRoof material

Type of material of the roof

infoRoof material
infoPlumbing pipe material

Type of material of the plumbing pipes

infoPlumbing pipe material
infoDirection facing

Direction the property is facing

infoDirection facing
infoWorkshop type

Type of workshop

infoWorkshop type
infoLoading bays

Number of loading bays

infoLoading bays
infoPrivate indoor gym

Whether or not the property have a private indoor gym

infoPrivate indoor gym
infoPrivate indoor hot tub

Whether or not the property have a private indoor hot tub

infoPrivate indoor hot tub
infoPrivate indoor sauna

Whether or not the property have a private indoor sauna

infoPrivate indoor sauna
infoPrivate indoor swimming pool

Whether or not the property have a private indoor swimming pool

infoPrivate indoor swimming pool
infoPrivate indoor workshop

Whether or not the property have a private indoor workshop

infoPrivate indoor workshop
infoPrivate outdoor gym

Whether or not the property have a private outdoor gym

infoPrivate outdoor gym
infoPrivate outdoor hot tub

Whether or not the property have a private outdoor hot tub

infoPrivate outdoor hot tub
infoPrivate outdoor sauna

Whether or not the property have a private outdoor sauna

infoPrivate outdoor sauna
infoPrivate outdoor swimming pool

Whether or not the property has a private outdoor swimming pool

infoPrivate outdoor swimming pool
infoShared outdoor swimming pool

Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor swimming pool

infoShared outdoor swimming pool
infoShared bicycle storage type

The type of bicycle storage

infoShared bicycle storage type
infoFire suppression type

The type of fire suppression system the property have

infoFire suppression type
infoCeiling height

The height of the ceiling in meters

infoCeiling height
10 ft
infoCeiling style

The style of the ceiling

infoCeiling style
infoCeiling is vaulted

Whether or not the ceiling is vaulted

infoCeiling is vaulted
infoNumber of elevators

The number of elevators in the building

infoNumber of elevators
infoConstruction material

The construction material of the property

infoConstruction material
infoConstruction year

Year the property was constructed

infoConstruction year
infoFoundation type

The foundation type of the property

infoFoundation type
Poured concrete
infoView type

The view type of the property

infoView type
infoHas backyard

Whether or not the property have a backyard

infoHas backyard
infoHas frontyard

Whether or not the property have a frontyard

infoHas frontyard
infoHas assigned storage space

Whether or not the property have an assigned storage space

infoHas assigned storage space
infoAttic is functional

Whether or not the property has a finished attic that can be utilized as additional living space

infoAttic is functional
infoRoof material install year

The year the roof material (ie: shingles) was installed

infoRoof material install year


Houski's property score is a percentage rating assigned to a property based on a set of criteria, such as its location, features, amenities, and other factors. The score is used to help buyers and renters quickly compare and evaluate different properties.

infoHouski score

Houski score of the property

infoHouski score
infoScore bicycle

The bicycle score

infoScore bicycle
infoScore transit

The transit score

infoScore transit
infoScore cell coverage

The cell coverage score

infoScore cell coverage
infoScore safety

The safety score

infoScore safety
infoScore curb appeal

The curb appeal score

infoScore curb appeal
infoScore earthquake

The earthquake score

infoScore earthquake
infoScore entertainment

The entertainment score

infoScore entertainment
infoScore family

The family score

infoScore family
infoScore fire

The fire score

infoScore fire
infoScore flood

The flood score

infoScore flood
infoScore food and drink

The food and drink score

infoScore food and drink
infoScore hurricane

The hurricane score

infoScore hurricane
infoScore internet

The internet score

infoScore internet
infoScore nature

The nature score

infoScore nature
infoScore quiet

The quiet score

infoScore quiet
infoScore parking

The parking score

infoScore parking
infoScore retirement

The retirement score

infoScore retirement
infoScore education

The education score

infoScore education
infoScore shopping

The shopping score

infoScore shopping
infoScore smell

The smell score

infoScore smell
infoScore tornado

The tornado score

infoScore tornado
infoScore traffic

The traffic score

infoScore traffic
infoScore air quality

The air quality score

infoScore air quality
infoScore walkability

The walkability score

infoScore walkability
infoScore water quality

The water quality score

infoScore water quality


Basement refers to the lowest level of a building that is partly or completely below ground level. It can be used as storage, living space or for various other purposes depending on the design and layout of the property.

infoBasement type

The type of the basement

infoBasement type
infoFloor below ground

The number of floors below ground

infoFloor below ground
infoBasement finish

The finish of the basement

infoBasement finish
infoBasement ceiling height

The ceiling height of the basement in meters

infoBasement ceiling height
8 ft
infoBasement has entrance

Whether or not the basement have an entrance

infoBasement has entrance
infoBasement is walkout

Whether or not the basement is a walkout

infoBasement is walkout
infoBasement has crawlspace

Whether or not the property has a crawlspace in the basement

infoBasement has crawlspace

Air (HVAC)

The air heating, cooling, humidifying, cleaning and conditioning systems installed in the property.

infoHeating brand

The brand of the first heating system

infoHeating brand
infoHeating type

The type of the first heating system

infoHeating type
Gas furnace
infoHeating type (second)

The type of the second heating system

infoHeating type (second)
infoHeating install year

The year the heating system was installed

infoHeating install year
infoCooling brand

The brand of the cooling system

infoCooling brand
infoCooling type

The type of the first cooling system

infoCooling type
infoCooling type (second)

The type of the second cooling system

infoCooling type (second)
infoCooling install year

The year the cooling system was installed

infoCooling install year
infoHumidifier type

The type of the humidifier

infoHumidifier type
infoHumidifier brand

The brand of the humidifier

infoHumidifier brand
infoHumidifier install year

The year the humidifier was installed

infoHumidifier install year
infoAir cleaner type

The type of the air cleaner

infoAir cleaner type
infoAir cleaner brand

The brand of the air cleaner

infoAir cleaner brand
infoAir cleaner install year

The year the air cleaner was installed

infoAir cleaner install year
infoWater softener type

The type of the water softener

infoWater softener type
infoWater softener brand

The brand of the water softener

infoWater softener brand
Not applicable
infoWater softener install year

The year the water softener was installed

infoWater softener install year
infoWater heater type

The type of the water heater

infoWater heater type
infoWater heater brand

The brand of the water heater

infoWater heater brand
infoWater heater install year

The year the water heater was installed

infoWater heater install year

Balcony / deck / patio

A balcony, deck, patio, etc, is an outdoor living space that is attached to a building or a home. It can be used for recreational activities, relaxation, or entertaining guests.

infoBalcony type

The type of the first balcony

infoBalcony type
infoBalcony type (second)

The type of the second balcony

infoBalcony type (second)
infoBalcony type (third)

The type of the third balcony

infoBalcony type (third)


Zoning refers to the legal regulations and restrictions that dictate how a property can be used and developed within a particular area. It determines what types of activities are allowed in a given location, such as residential, commercial, or industrial use.


The zoning of the property

infoIs residential

Whether or not the property is residential

infoIs residential
infoIs commercial

Whether or not the property is commercial

infoIs commercial


Information about the use of the property for business purposes.

infoBuilding name

The name of the building

infoBuilding name
No value
infoCommercial use

The type of commercial use most suitable for this property

infoCommercial use
No value
infoConverted to residential use

Whether or not the property was converted to residential use

infoConverted to residential use
infoConverted to commercial use

Whether or not the property was converted to commercial use

infoConverted to commercial use


The kitchen is a room in a real estate property that is used for preparing and cooking food. It typically contains appliances such as a stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink, as well as cabinets and counter space for storage and food preparation.

infoKitchen appliance brand

The brand of the kitchen appliance

infoKitchen appliance brand
infoKitchen appliance finish

The finish of the kitchen appliance

infoKitchen appliance finish
Stainless steel
infoKitchen dishwasher type

The type of the kitchen dishwasher

infoKitchen dishwasher type
infoKitchen dishwasher install year

The year the kitchen dishwasher was installed

infoKitchen dishwasher install year
infoKitchen fridge type

The type of the kitchen fridge

infoKitchen fridge type
infoKitchen fridge install year

The year the kitchen fridge was installed

infoKitchen fridge install year
infoKitchen microwave type

The type of the kitchen microwave

infoKitchen microwave type
infoKitchen microwave install year

The year the kitchen microwave was installed

infoKitchen microwave install year
infoKitchen stove type

The type of the kitchen stove

infoKitchen stove type
infoKitchen stove install year

The year the kitchen stove was installed

infoKitchen stove install year
infoKitchen countertop material

The material of the kitchen countertop

infoKitchen countertop material
infoKitchen stove heat type

The heating element type of the stove in the kitchen

infoKitchen stove heat type


Laundry in a property refers to the washing and drying machines in a property. They can be private or shared. Shared laundry facilities are available to all residents in a common area.

infoLaundry appliance brand

The brand of the laundry appliance

infoLaundry appliance brand
infoLaundry appliance finish

The finish of the laundry appliance

infoLaundry appliance finish
Stainless steel
infoLaundry dryer type

The type of the laundry dryer

infoLaundry dryer type
infoLaundry dryer install year

The year the laundry dryer was installed

infoLaundry dryer install year
infoLaundry washer type

The type of the laundry washer

infoLaundry washer type
infoLaundry washer install year

The year the laundry washer was installed

infoLaundry washer install year

Shared facilities

Shared facilities refer to areas, equipment or services that are available to residents or owners of a property, such as a condominium or apartment building. These may include things like swimming pools, fitness centers, community rooms, playgrounds, parking lots, and other common areas.

infoShared indoor gym

Whether or not the property have a shared indoor gym

infoShared indoor gym
infoShared indoor hot tub

Whether or not the property have a shared indoor hot tub

infoShared indoor hot tub
infoShared indoor sauna

Whether or not the property have a shared indoor sauna

infoShared indoor sauna
infoShared indoor swimming pool

Whether or not the property have a shared indoor swimming pool

infoShared indoor swimming pool
infoShared indoor workshop

Whether or not the property have a shared indoor workshop

infoShared indoor workshop
infoHas shared laundry room

Whether or not the property has a shared laundry room

infoHas shared laundry room
infoShared outdoor gym

Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor gym

infoShared outdoor gym
infoShared outdoor hot tub

Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor hot tub

infoShared outdoor hot tub
infoShared outdoor sauna

Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor sauna

infoShared outdoor sauna
infoShared outdoor swimming pool

Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor swimming pool

infoShared outdoor swimming pool


Condo or HOA fees refer to the monthly or yearly payments made by the owners of a condominium or a property that is part of a homeowners' association (HOA) to cover the costs of shared expenses and maintenance of the property and its common areas, such as elevators, hallways, swimming pools, and landscaping.

infoMaintenance fee

The maintenance fee

infoMaintenance fee
infoMaintenance fee includes electric

Whether or not the maintenance fee includes electric

infoMaintenance fee includes electric
infoMaintenance fee includes heat

Whether or not the maintenance fee includes heat

infoMaintenance fee includes heat
infoMaintenance fee includes water

Whether or not the maintenance fee includes water

infoMaintenance fee includes water
infoProperty taxes

The property taxes for the property

infoProperty taxes


Renovations are any improvements, repairs, or changes made to a real estate property with the intention of updating or enhancing its functionality, appearance, or value.

infoKitchen year last renovated

The year the kitchen was last renovated

infoKitchen year last renovated
infoBathroom year last renovated

The year the bathroom was last renovated

infoBathroom year last renovated
infoBedroom year last renovated

The year the bedroom was last renovated

infoBedroom year last renovated
infoLiving room year last renovated

The year the living room was last renovated

infoLiving room year last renovated
infoBasement year last renovated

The year the basement was last renovated

infoBasement year last renovated
infoExterior year last renovated

The year the exterior was last renovated

infoExterior year last renovated


Parking refers to a designated space, area, or structure for the temporary or permanent storage of a vehicle on a real estate property. Parking can be provided in different ways, such as private or shared garages, driveways or parking lots.

infoGarage parking space first

Garage parking space first

infoGarage parking space first
infoGarage parking space second

Garage parking space second

infoGarage parking space second
infoHas RV parking

Whether the property has RV parking

infoHas RV parking
infoParking lot parking space

Parking lot parking space

infoParking lot parking space
infoParking lot parking space legal type

Parking lot parking space legal type

infoParking lot parking space legal type
Exclusive use
infoDriveway parking space

The number of driveway parking spaces

infoDriveway parking space
infoCarport parking space

The number of carport parking spaces

infoCarport parking space

Garage (private)

A private garage is a garage that is only accessible to the owner of the property. It is not shared with other owners or tenants.

infoGarage type

Garage type first

infoGarage type
infoGarage type (second)

Garage type second

infoGarage type (second)
infoGarage 240v first

Garage 240v first

infoGarage 240v first
infoGarage 240v second

Garage 240v second

infoGarage 240v second
infoGarage tandem

Garage tandem first

infoGarage tandem
infoGarage tandem second

Garage tandem second

infoGarage tandem second
infoGarage floor above ground first

Garage floor above ground first

infoGarage floor above ground first
infoGarage floor above ground second

Garage floor above ground second

infoGarage floor above ground second
infoGarage floor below ground first

Garage floor below ground first

infoGarage floor below ground first
infoGarage floor below ground second

Garage floor below ground second

infoGarage floor below ground second
infoGarage heating type first

Garage heating type first

infoGarage heating type first
infoGarage heating type second

Garage heating type second

infoGarage heating type second
infoGarage parking space first

Garage parking space first

infoGarage parking space first
infoGarage parking space second

Garage parking space second

infoGarage parking space second

Garage (shared)

A shared garage is a garage that is shared with other owners or tenants. It is not accessible to the owner of the property only.

infoShared garage 240v

Shared garage 240v first

infoShared garage 240v
infoShared garage 240v (second)

Shared garage 240v second

infoShared garage 240v (second)
infoShared garage floor above ground

Shared garage floor above ground first

infoShared garage floor above ground
infoShared garage floor above ground (second)

Shared garage floor above ground second

infoShared garage floor above ground (second)
No value
infoShared garage floor below ground

Shared garage floor below ground first

infoShared garage floor below ground
No value
infoShared garage floor below ground (second)

Shared garage floor below ground second

infoShared garage floor below ground (second)
No value
infoShared garage heating type

Shared garage heating type first

infoShared garage heating type
infoShared garage heating type (second)

Shared garage heating type second

infoShared garage heating type (second)
No value
infoShared garage parking space first

Shared garage parking space first

infoShared garage parking space first
infoShared garage parking space second

Shared garage parking space second

infoShared garage parking space second
No value
infoShared garage legal type first

Shared garage legal type first

infoShared garage legal type first
infoShared garage legal type second

Shared garage legal type second

infoShared garage legal type second
No value
infoShared garage tandem first

Shared garage tandem first

infoShared garage tandem first
infoShared garage tandem second

Shared garage tandem second

infoShared garage tandem second
infoShared garage type first

Shared garage type first

infoShared garage type first
Parking garage
infoShared garage type second

Shared garage type second

infoShared garage type second
No value


Outbuildings are additional structures that are located on a property but are not attached to the main dwelling. These can include buildings such as sheds, garages, barns, and workshops, and are often used for storage, parking, or other non-residential purposes.

infoOutbuilding type first

Outbuilding type first

infoOutbuilding type first
infoOutbuilding type second

Outbuilding type second

infoOutbuilding type second
infoOutbuilding type third

Outbuilding type third

infoOutbuilding type third
infoOutbuilding type fourth

Outbuilding type fourth

infoOutbuilding type fourth
infoOutbuilding type fifth

Outbuilding type fifth

infoOutbuilding type fifth


Condition refers to the overall state of the property, including its physical state and any necessary repairs or upgrades. It is a measure of the property's quality and readiness for use.

infoIs condemned

Is condemned

infoIs condemned
infoNeed ceiling repair

Need ceiling repair

infoNeed ceiling repair
infoNeed cooling repair

Need cooling repair

infoNeed cooling repair
infoNeed drywall repair

Need drywall repair

infoNeed drywall repair
infoNeed electrical repair

Need electrical repair

infoNeed electrical repair
infoNeed floor repair

Need floor repair

infoNeed floor repair
infoNeed foundation repair

Need foundation repair

infoNeed foundation repair
infoNeed heating repair

Need heating repair

infoNeed heating repair
infoNeed mold repair

Need mold repair

infoNeed mold repair
infoNeed paint repair

Need paint repair

infoNeed paint repair
infoNeed plumbing repair

Need plumbing repair

infoNeed plumbing repair
infoNeed roof repair

Need roof repair

infoNeed roof repair
infoNeed window repair

Need window repair

infoNeed window repair

Secondary suite(s)

A secondary suite refers to a self-contained living unit, which is separate from the main living quarters and includes its own bathroom, kitchen, and entrance.

infoSecondary suite type

Secondary suite type

infoSecondary suite type
Basement suite
infoSecondary suite seperate entrance

Secondary suite seperate entrance

infoSecondary suite seperate entrance
infoSecondary suite has own laundry

Secondary suite has own laundry

infoSecondary suite has own laundry
infoSecondary suite type (second)

Secondary suite type

infoSecondary suite type (second)
infoSecondary suite seperate entrance (second)

Secondary suite seperate entrance

infoSecondary suite seperate entrance (second)
infoSecondary suite has own laundry (second)

Secondary suite has own laundry

infoSecondary suite has own laundry (second)
infoSecondary suite type (third)

Secondary suite type

infoSecondary suite type (third)
infoSecondary suite seperate entrance (third)

Secondary suite seperate entrance

infoSecondary suite seperate entrance (third)
infoSecondary suite has own laundry (third)

Secondary suite has own laundry

infoSecondary suite has own laundry (third)


Utilities are essential services, such as electricity, gas, water, and sewer, that are necessary for a property to function properly.

infoInternet provider

Internet provider

infoInternet provider
infoElectricity provider

Electricity provider

infoElectricity provider
infoGas provider

Gas provider

infoGas provider
infoWater provider

Water provider

infoWater provider
infoEstimate monthly electrical cost

Estimate monthly electrical cost

infoEstimate monthly electrical cost
infoEstimate monthly heat cost

Estimate monthly heat cost

infoEstimate monthly heat cost
infoEstimate monthly water cost

Estimate monthly water cost

infoEstimate monthly water cost


Land (or 'lot') generally refers to the area of the property that is not covered by a building or structure, including any surrounding yard or outdoor space.

infoLand area

The area of the land in square feet

infoLand area
6806 sq ft
infoLand depth

The depth of the land in metres

infoLand depth
180 ft
infoLand frontage

The frontage of the land in metres

infoLand frontage
125 ft
infoBacks onto

The feature that the property backs onto

infoBacks onto
infoFronts onto

The feature that the property fronts onto

infoFronts onto
infoIrrigation system type

The type of irrigation system

infoIrrigation system type
infoHas RV parking

Whether the property has RV parking

infoHas RV parking
infoIn cul de sac

Whether the property is in a cul de sac

infoIn cul de sac



The community the property is located in

Dufferin Grove

The city the property is located in


The province the property is located in


The country the property is located in


The latitude of the property


The longitude of the property

infoPostal code

The postal code of the property

infoPostal code


Waste services refers to the collection and disposal of garbage, recycling, and compost. Waste services may be provided by a municipality or a private waste management company.

infoSummer garbage pickup day

The day garbage is picked up in the summer

infoSummer garbage pickup day
infoSummer garbage pickup schedule

The schedule garbage is picked up in the summer

infoSummer garbage pickup schedule
infoSummer recycle pickup day

The day recycle is picked up in the summer

infoSummer recycle pickup day
infoSummer recycle pickup schedule

The schedule recycle is picked up in the summer

infoSummer recycle pickup schedule
Every 2nd week
infoSummer organic waste pickup day

The day organic waste is picked up in the summer

infoSummer organic waste pickup day
infoSummer organic waste pickup schedule

The schedule organic waste is picked up in the summer

infoSummer organic waste pickup schedule
infoWinter garbage pickup day

The day garbage is picked up in the winter

infoWinter garbage pickup day
infoWinter garbage pickup schedule

The schedule garbage is picked up in the winter

infoWinter garbage pickup schedule
infoWinter recycle pickup day

The day recycle is picked up in the winter

infoWinter recycle pickup day
infoWinter recycle pickup schedule

The schedule recycle is picked up in the winter

infoWinter recycle pickup schedule
infoWinter organic waste pickup day

The day organic waste is picked up in the winter

infoWinter organic waste pickup day
infoWinter organic waste pickup schedule

The schedule organic waste is picked up in the winter

infoWinter organic waste pickup schedule
Every 3rd week


Assessments are the estimated values of a property for tax purposes. They are estimated and assigned by the city that the property is located in. They are used to determine the amount of property taxes that a property owner must pay.

No assessment data for this property

Permits & licenses

Permits and licenses are documents that are issued by a government agency to authorize the construction, renovation, or operation of a property. This section generally includes building permits, development permits, and business licenses.

No permit data for this property

Nearby services

The nearby section contains information about the amenities, services, and facilities that are located near the property. This includes schools, hospitals, grocery stores, parks, and other points of interest.

Domino'sFast food0.1 km
No nameRestaurant0.2 km
High Park / Parkdale...Community centre0.7 km
No nameCommunity centre1.1 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library1.1 km
Bloor Lansdowne Chri...Place of worship1.1 km
Club ParadiseNightclub1.1 km
Tim HortonsCafe1.1 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library1.1 km
TD Canada TrustBank1.1 km
Yummy MomoRestaurant1.1 km
St. Anthony's Cathol...Place of worship1.3 km
Parkdale Queen West ...Medical clinic1.3 km
Parkdale Activity-Re...Community centre1.3 km
Our Lady of LebanonPlace of worship1.3 km
Kingdom Hall of Jeho...Place of worship1.4 km
Paradise CinemaTheatre1.4 km
Tim HortonsCafe1.4 km
Bandit BreweryBar1.4 km
Holy Family Catholic...Place of worship1.4 km
The Beaver CafeRestaurant1.4 km
EssoOther1.5 km
The GarrisonBar1.6 km
The Theatre CentreTheatre1.7 km
Royal Canadian Legio...Community centre1.8 km
The Great HallArts centre1.8 km
The Lakeview Restaur...Restaurant1.8 km
Palais RoyaleConcert hall1.9 km
Lithuanian HouseConcert hall2.0 km
Kingdom Hall of Jeho...Place of worship2.0 km
Bellwoods Park HouseCommunity centre2.0 km
Tim HortonsCafe2.5 km
FreshRestaurant2.5 km
Saint Nicholas Ukrai...Place of worship2.9 km
High Park ManorOther3.3 km
Budweiser StageTheatre3.4 km
Salvation Army - Flo...Community centre3.4 km
Le Bleu CoffeeCafe3.6 km
Patterson Presbyteri...Place of worship3.7 km
First Narayever Cong...Place of worship3.7 km
Trinity-St. Paul's U...Place of worship3.9 km
Kaleidoscope Photogr...Photography studio4.0 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library4.1 km
Arirang Korean Long-...Community centre4.3 km
CIBCBank4.3 km
National BankBank4.4 km
Toronto Bahá'í Centr...Place of worship4.4 km
Shoppers Drug MartOther4.4 km
Bloor West Foot Clin...Medical clinic4.5 km
Baka CafeCafe4.5 km
Tim HortonsCafe4.5 km
多倫多華人福音堂...Place of worship4.6 km
Holy Rosary ChurchPlace of worship4.6 km
RivoliRestaurant4.7 km
CIBCBank4.7 km
St. Pius X Parish Ca...Place of worship4.7 km
CubeNightclub4.7 km
Windermere United Ch...Place of worship4.8 km
Toronto Chinese Bapt...Place of worship4.8 km
Ronald McDonald Hous...Community centre4.9 km
The Russell Hill Ret...Community centre5.0 km
St. Patrick's Cathol...Place of worship5.1 km
MuchMusic/CTVAudio recording studio5.2 km
Church of the Redeem...Place of worship5.2 km
Toronto Police - 52 ...Police station5.3 km
Toronto Fire Station...Fire station5.3 km
Timothy Eaton Memori...Place of worship5.3 km
GingerRestaurant5.3 km
Princess of Wales Th...Theatre5.3 km
E. J. Pratt LibraryLibrary5.4 km
Royal Alexandra Thea...Theatre5.5 km
First Unitarian Cong...Place of worship5.5 km
Toronto Fire and Mar...Fire station5.5 km
Four Seasons Centre ...Theatre5.7 km
BMOBank5.8 km
Petro V PlusOther5.9 km
ScotiabankBank5.9 km
Toronto City HallTownhall5.9 km
Amsterdam Brew HouseRestaurant5.9 km
Church of the Transf...Place of worship6.0 km
Forest Hill Orthodon...Dental clinic6.0 km
Toronto ClubPrivate club6.0 km
Concert StageConcert hall6.1 km
The SanctuaryCommunity centre6.1 km
No nameParking6.2 km
XYZ StorageOther6.2 km
The Power PlantArts centre6.2 km
Good BehaviourCafe6.2 km
TDBank6.2 km
Mothercraft / Ontari...Other6.3 km
Sri Jain MandirPlace of worship6.4 km
Recreation and Athle...University6.5 km
Polish Alliance of C...Community centre6.5 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library6.5 km
St. Paul's Anglican ...Place of worship6.6 km
Metropolitan United ...Place of worship6.7 km
Meridian HallTheatre6.8 km
St. Lawrence Centre ...Theatre6.8 km
Jarvis Street Baptis...Place of worship6.9 km
McDonald'sFast food7.0 km
The WorksRestaurant7.0 km
Birds & BeansCafe7.1 km
Wellesley Central Pl...Community centre7.1 km
Filmore's HotelNightclub7.1 km
North Toronto Memori...Community centre7.1 km
Toronto Fire Station...Fire station7.2 km
Glebe Road United Ch...Place of worship7.2 km
Columbus CentreCommunity centre7.3 km
St. Charles Borromeo...Place of worship7.3 km
53 DivisionPolice station7.4 km
Shoppers Drug MartOther7.4 km
Burger KingFast food7.4 km
Toronto Fire Station...Fire station7.6 km
All Saints Kingsway ...Place of worship7.6 km
Community of ChristPlace of worship7.6 km
Toronto Fire Station...Fire station7.7 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library7.8 km
The Church of the Tr...Place of worship7.8 km
Manor Montessori (De...Kindergarten7.8 km
Toronto Fire Station...Fire station7.9 km
Table 21Restaurant7.9 km
Caffee DemetreCafe8.0 km
Toronto Fire Station...Fire station8.1 km
MerlotRestaurant8.2 km
Just Greek Restauran...Restaurant8.2 km
Family & Cosmetic De...Dental clinic8.2 km
Second CupCafe8.2 km
Delmanor Prince Edwa...Community centre8.2 km
Shoppers Drug MartOther8.2 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library8.2 km
Manor Road United Ch...Place of worship8.3 km
Little Trinity Angli...Place of worship8.3 km
First Christian Refo...Place of worship8.4 km
Our Lady of Sorrows ...Place of worship8.4 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library8.6 km
Riverside Evangelica...Place of worship8.6 km
Kingsway Retirement ...Community centre8.7 km
Bay Cat HospitalVeterinary clinic8.7 km
Fusilli RistoranteRestaurant8.9 km
The Kingsway Animal ...Veterinary clinic9.0 km
Harry's Steak HouseRestaurant9.1 km
Eglinton Ave. Gospel...Place of worship9.1 km
St Bernard Of Clairv...Place of worship9.2 km
Ghanian Anglican Chu...Place of worship9.2 km
Tim HortonsCafe9.2 km
St. Anselm Catholic ...Place of worship9.4 km
Cellar DoorRestaurant9.6 km
ShellOther9.9 km
Chartwell Select Ret...Community centre9.9 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library10.0 km
Osmow'sFast food10.0 km
RBCBank10.1 km
Jimmie Simpson Recre...Community centre10.2 km
Wood Green Community...Community centre10.4 km
22 DivisionPolice station10.4 km
Suomi-Koti Toronto N...Community centre10.5 km
TD Canada TrustBank10.5 km
Trinity Grace ChurchPlace of worship10.5 km
Sushi by KRestaurant10.6 km
MezGoufRestaurant10.6 km
Humber Medical Centr...Medical clinic10.7 km
Lakeshore LodgeCommunity centre10.8 km
McDonald'sFast food10.9 km
Matty Eckler Communi...Community centre11.0 km
St. Andrews Presbyte...Place of worship11.1 km
The Village of Humbe...Community centre11.1 km
Kingdom Hall of Jeho...Place of worship11.2 km
Jack Layton Seniors ...Community centre11.2 km
Dr. T. PaterDental clinic11.2 km
Mindwerx AcademyKindergarten11.2 km
Apache BurgersFast food11.3 km
BMOBank11.3 km
Dundas Street GrilleRestaurant11.3 km
Trillium Care BloorCommunity centre11.4 km
Tim HortonsCafe11.4 km
Westend Rehab & Phys...Medical clinic11.5 km
Darchei Noam Reconst...Place of worship11.5 km
Metamorphosis Pou So...Place of worship11.5 km
TDBank11.5 km
Ukrainian Orthodox C...Place of worship11.5 km
Filipino-Canadian Se...Place of worship11.5 km
L'chaim Retirement H...Community centre11.6 km
Souvlaki HutFast food11.6 km
PopeyesFast food11.6 km
Evanov Radio GroupAudio recording studio11.7 km
Long Branch Baptist ...Place of worship11.7 km
RBCBank11.7 km
First Church Of Chri...Place of worship11.8 km
The Heritage Nursing...Community centre11.8 km
Seventh Day Adventis...Place of worship11.8 km
Chartwell Avondale R...Community centre12.0 km
Martin Veterinary Ho...Veterinary clinic12.0 km
Popular Car WashCar wash12.0 km
Our Lady of Peace Ch...Place of worship12.0 km
StarbucksCafe12.1 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library12.1 km
Thomas Berry Child C...Kindergarten12.1 km
Emmanuel Church of t...Place of worship12.4 km
St Matthews Anglican...Place of worship12.5 km
Rockpile Bar & Night...Bar12.6 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library12.8 km
Christ The King Chur...Place of worship12.8 km
Valleyview ResidenceCommunity centre13.4 km
Willowdale Seventh-d...Place of worship13.5 km
St. Bernard's Reside...Community centre13.5 km
East End Community H...Medical clinic13.5 km
BMOBank13.6 km
Tim HortonsCafe13.6 km
Greenview LodgeCommunity centre13.7 km
Pita IkramRestaurant13.7 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library13.7 km
The Peoples ChurchPlace of worship13.7 km
Royal Canadian Legio...Community centre13.7 km
Herbert H. Carnegie ...Community centre13.7 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library13.8 km
St. Elizabeth of Hun...Place of worship13.8 km
The OWL of MinervaRestaurant13.9 km
St. Louis Bar & Gril...Restaurant13.9 km
YMCACommunity centre13.9 km
The Donway Covenant ...Place of worship14.0 km
ACE ClinicsMedical clinic14.1 km
Yorkwoods Gate Commu...Place of worship14.1 km
St Wilfreds Roman Ca...Place of worship14.1 km
Toronto United Menno...Place of worship14.1 km
Donway PlaceCommunity centre14.2 km
Forward Baptist Chur...Place of worship14.2 km
Northminster Baptist...Place of worship14.3 km
Woodbine AcresCommunity centre14.3 km
Danish Lutheran Chur...Place of worship14.3 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library14.4 km
Donway Baptist Churc...Place of worship14.5 km
Saint Gabriel ParishPlace of worship14.6 km
Distribution 699Post office14.6 km
Nigerian Presbyteria...Place of worship14.7 km
Bloordale United Chu...Place of worship14.7 km
Toronto Fire Station...Fire station14.8 km
Hawthorne Place Care...Community centre15.0 km
Beth Tikvah Synagogu...Place of worship15.1 km
McDonald'sFast food15.2 km
LimonRestaurant15.2 km
St. Clair O'Connor C...Community centre15.2 km
Norfinch Medical Cen...Medical clinic15.3 km
Willowdale Evangelic...Place of worship15.4 km
McDonald'sFast food15.5 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library15.5 km
TDBank15.6 km
Wendy'sFast food15.6 km
Arboretum Parking Ga...Parking15.6 km
Carefree LodgeCommunity centre15.7 km
The Bernard Betel Ce...Community centre15.7 km
No nameMedical clinic15.8 km
St. Kosmas Aitolos G...Place of worship15.9 km
ShellOther16.0 km
Tim HortonsCafe16.1 km
Caribbean Heat 3Restaurant16.4 km
McDonald'sFast food16.4 km
Tim HortonsCafe16.5 km
The Church of St. Ai...Place of worship17.0 km
McDonald'sFast food17.0 km
Islamic Research Cen...Place of worship17.1 km
Our Lady of Fatima S...Place of worship17.1 km
All Nations Full Gos...Place of worship17.2 km
Oriole Community Cen...Community centre17.4 km
Advent Lutheran Chur...Place of worship17.4 km
Tri-Congregational C...Place of worship17.5 km
Tim HortonsCafe17.7 km
Clairlea Park Presby...Place of worship17.7 km
McDonald'sFast food17.7 km
Hazelton ManorConcert hall17.9 km
Parkway Car WashCar wash17.9 km
Tim HortonsCafe17.9 km
Captain's CatchRestaurant17.9 km
The WexfordCommunity centre18.1 km
Zion ChurchPlace of worship18.4 km
Chartwell Gibson Lon...Community centre18.8 km
Chartwell Gibson Ret...Community centre18.9 km
McDonald'sFast food18.9 km
Tim HortonsCafe18.9 km
Kelsey'sRestaurant19.0 km
23 DivisionPolice station19.4 km
GracePoint Baptist C...Place of worship19.4 km
BaranRestaurant19.4 km
Tim HortonsCafe19.8 km
Toronto Police - 41 ...Police station19.9 km
Highland Funeral Hom...Funeral home20.1 km
McGregor Park Commun...Community centre20.5 km
St. Lawrence the Mar...Place of worship20.5 km
KFCFast food20.6 km
Don Montgomery Commu...Community centre21.5 km
Shepherd Terrace Ret...Community centre21.6 km
Shepherd LodgeCommunity centre21.6 km
Dog SaloonRestaurant22.1 km
KFCFast food22.2 km
T-BonesFast food22.2 km
TD Canada TrustBank22.2 km
Scarborough Muslim A...Place of worship22.4 km
McDonald'sFast food22.6 km
名門金宴Restaurant22.7 km
St. Timothy Anglican...Place of worship22.7 km
Knox Presbyterian Ch...Place of worship22.8 km
ScotiabankBank23.2 km
CIBCBank23.3 km
Bendale AcresCommunity centre23.6 km
McCowan Retirement R...Community centre24.0 km
Rockcliffe Care Comm...Community centre24.0 km
McDonald'sFast food24.0 km
Tim HortonsCafe24.1 km
Dairy QueenFast food24.3 km
Amazing ShawarmaRestaurant24.4 km
Community Care Acces...Community centre24.4 km
I.D.A.Other24.4 km
Heart Beatz Cliffcre...Community centre24.4 km
Swiss ChaletRestaurant24.8 km
Miracle Family Templ...Place of worship25.6 km
Light of Life ChurchPlace of worship25.6 km
The Master's House B...Place of worship25.6 km
Periya Sivan TemplePlace of worship25.7 km
Toronto Harvest Miss...Place of worship25.7 km
St Johns Presbyteria...Place of worship26.2 km
Tim HortonsCafe26.8 km
CIBCBank27.0 km
Shoppers Drug MartOther27.8 km
Trustees Of St Steph...Place of worship27.8 km
Faith Baptist ChurchPlace of worship28.0 km
Extendicare Scarboro...Community centre28.1 km
Toronto Fire Station...Fire station28.9 km
BMOBank29.1 km
Malvern Christian As...Place of worship29.4 km
A Better Way Retirem...Community centre29.4 km
St Martin De Porres ...Place of worship30.6 km
Morningstar Christia...Place of worship31.0 km
N'sheemaehn Child Ca...Other31.4 km
Hindu Cultural Socie...Place of worship31.4 km
Toronto Public Libra...Library31.6 km
Toronto Police - 43 ...Police station32.1 km
Toronto Jaffray Chin...Place of worship34.6 km