10210 115 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Actions
Overview Houski score
Houski score
This value is calculated based on other data
Houski score of the property
calc This value is calculated based on other data
Property type
Property type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimated list price
Estimated list price
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimated list price of the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimated sale price
Estimated sale price
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimated sale price of the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimate rent monthly
Estimate rent monthly
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The estimate of the cost of renting the entire property monthly
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
For sale
For sale
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
For rent
For rent
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Construction year
Construction year
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Year the property was constructed
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Table of Contents Market value Price predictions update in real time, as you edit the property's details.
Houski's market value predictions are the estimated prices that a property would list and sell for in the current real estate market. It takes into account various factors such as the property's location, condition, size, and features, as well as supply and demand.
Chart smoothed using Whittaker-Eilers method
Jan '24
Mar '24
May '24
Jul '24
Sep '24
Oct '24
Dec '24
List Price
Sale Price
Listings These are estimates of the listing history for this property, based on machine learning and data from various sources across the internet.
No listing data for this property
Investment The investment section contains information about the financial prospects of the property, such as its potential return on investment, cash flow, and other financial metrics.
The calculations are based on a hypothetical 5% interest rate mortgage with a 20% down payment, and our estimated sale price for the property.
Capitalization rate
Capitalization rate
This value is calculated based on other data
calc This value is calculated based on other data
Cash on cash return
Cash on cash return
This value is calculated based on other data
calc This value is calculated based on other data
Return on investment
Return on investment
This value is calculated based on other data
calc This value is calculated based on other data
Price per square foot
Price per square foot
This value is calculated based on other data
The estimated sale price per square meter of this property.
calc This value is calculated based on other data
List price vs estimate
List price vs estimate
This value is calculated based on other data
Difference between the actual current list price and the estimated list price
N/A calc This value is calculated based on other data
Assessment vs estimate
Assessment vs estimate
This value is calculated based on other data
Difference between the actual current assessment value and the estimated sale price
Underassessed by $26,220,678
calc This value is calculated based on other data
Building The building section contains information about the physical features of the property.
Property type
Property type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Interior square feet
Interior square feet
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Interior square feet of the property
1207 sq ft AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Full bathrooms
Full bathrooms
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Number of full bathrooms in the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Half bathrooms
Half bathrooms
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Number of half bathrooms in the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Number of bedrooms in the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Number of dens in the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Number of fireplaces in the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Number of floors above ground in the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Floor plan type
Floor plan type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Architecture style
Architecture style
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Ownership type
Ownership type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Exterior finish
Exterior finish
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Exterior finish of the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Fence type
Fence type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Type of fence around the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Floor material
Floor material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Type of material of the floor
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Floor material (second)
Floor material (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Type of material of the floor
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Roof functional
Roof functional
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Roof material
Roof material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Type of material of the roof
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Plumbing pipe material
Plumbing pipe material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Type of material of the plumbing pipes
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Direction facing
Direction facing
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Direction the property is facing
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Workshop type
Workshop type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Loading bays
Loading bays
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private indoor gym
Private indoor gym
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a private indoor gym
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private indoor hot tub
Private indoor hot tub
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a private indoor hot tub
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private indoor sauna
Private indoor sauna
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a private indoor sauna
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private indoor swimming pool
Private indoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a private indoor swimming pool
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private indoor workshop
Private indoor workshop
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a private indoor workshop
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private outdoor gym
Private outdoor gym
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a private outdoor gym
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private outdoor hot tub
Private outdoor hot tub
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a private outdoor hot tub
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private outdoor sauna
Private outdoor sauna
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a private outdoor sauna
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Private outdoor swimming pool
Private outdoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property has a private outdoor swimming pool
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared outdoor swimming pool
Shared outdoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor swimming pool
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared bicycle storage type
Shared bicycle storage type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of bicycle storage
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Fire suppression type
Fire suppression type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of fire suppression system the property have
Not applicable
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Ceiling height
Ceiling height
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The height of the ceiling in meters
10 ft AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Ceiling style
Ceiling style
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Ceiling is vaulted
Ceiling is vaulted
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the ceiling is vaulted
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Number of elevators
Number of elevators
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The number of elevators in the building
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Construction material
Construction material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The construction material of the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Construction year
Construction year
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Year the property was constructed
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Foundation type
Foundation type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The foundation type of the property
Poured concrete
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
View type
View type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The view type of the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Has backyard
Has backyard
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a backyard
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Has frontyard
Has frontyard
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a frontyard
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Has assigned storage space
Has assigned storage space
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have an assigned storage space
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Attic is functional
Attic is functional
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property has a finished attic that can be utilized as additional living space
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Roof material install year
Roof material install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the roof material (ie: shingles) was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Score Houski's property score is a percentage rating assigned to a property based on a set of criteria, such as its location, features, amenities, and other factors. The score is used to help buyers and renters quickly compare and evaluate different properties.
Houski score
Houski score
This value is calculated based on other data
Houski score of the property
calc This value is calculated based on other data
Score bicycle
Score bicycle
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score transit
Score transit
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score cell coverage
Score cell coverage
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score safety
Score safety
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score curb appeal
Score curb appeal
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score earthquake
Score earthquake
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score entertainment
Score entertainment
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score family
Score family
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score fire
Score fire
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score flood
Score flood
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score food and drink
Score food and drink
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score hurricane
Score hurricane
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score internet
Score internet
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score nature
Score nature
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score quiet
Score quiet
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score parking
Score parking
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score retirement
Score retirement
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score education
Score education
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score shopping
Score shopping
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score smell
Score smell
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score tornado
Score tornado
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score traffic
Score traffic
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score air quality
Score air quality
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score walkability
Score walkability
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Score water quality
Score water quality
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
vote This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'
Basement Basement refers to the lowest level of a building that is partly or completely below ground level. It can be used as storage, living space or for various other purposes depending on the design and layout of the property.
Basement type
Basement type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Floor below ground
Floor below ground
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The number of floors below ground
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Basement finish
Basement finish
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The finish of the basement
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Basement ceiling height
Basement ceiling height
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The ceiling height of the basement in meters
8 ft AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Basement has entrance
Basement has entrance
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the basement have an entrance
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Basement is walkout
Basement is walkout
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the basement is a walkout
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Basement has crawlspace
Basement has crawlspace
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property has a crawlspace in the basement
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Air (HVAC) The air heating, cooling, humidifying, cleaning and conditioning systems installed in the property.
Heating brand
Heating brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The brand of the first heating system
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Heating type
Heating type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the first heating system
Gas furnace
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Heating type (second)
Heating type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the second heating system
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Heating install year
Heating install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the heating system was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Cooling brand
Cooling brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The brand of the cooling system
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Cooling type
Cooling type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the first cooling system
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Cooling type (second)
Cooling type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the second cooling system
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Cooling install year
Cooling install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the cooling system was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Humidifier type
Humidifier type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the humidifier
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Humidifier brand
Humidifier brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The brand of the humidifier
Not applicable
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Humidifier install year
Humidifier install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the humidifier was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Air cleaner type
Air cleaner type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the air cleaner
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Air cleaner brand
Air cleaner brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The brand of the air cleaner
Not applicable
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Air cleaner install year
Air cleaner install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the air cleaner was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Water softener type
Water softener type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the water softener
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Water softener brand
Water softener brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The brand of the water softener
Not applicable
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Water softener install year
Water softener install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the water softener was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Water heater type
Water heater type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the water heater
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Water heater brand
Water heater brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The brand of the water heater
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Water heater install year
Water heater install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the water heater was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Balcony / deck / patio A balcony, deck, patio, etc, is an outdoor living space that is attached to a building or a home. It can be used for recreational activities, relaxation, or entertaining guests.
Balcony type
Balcony type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the first balcony
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Balcony type (second)
Balcony type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the second balcony
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Balcony type (third)
Balcony type (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the third balcony
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Zoning Zoning refers to the legal regulations and restrictions that dictate how a property can be used and developed within a particular area. It determines what types of activities are allowed in a given location, such as residential, commercial, or industrial use.
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
The zoning of the property
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Is residential
Is residential
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Whether or not the property is residential
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Is commercial
Is commercial
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Whether or not the property is commercial
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Commercial Information about the use of the property for business purposes.
Building name
Building name
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Commercial use
Commercial use
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of commercial use most suitable for this property
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Converted to residential use
Converted to residential use
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property was converted to residential use
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Converted to commercial use
Converted to commercial use
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property was converted to commercial use
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen The kitchen is a room in a real estate property that is used for preparing and cooking food. It typically contains appliances such as a stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink, as well as cabinets and counter space for storage and food preparation.
Kitchen appliance brand
Kitchen appliance brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The brand of the kitchen appliance
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen appliance finish
Kitchen appliance finish
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The finish of the kitchen appliance
Stainless steel
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen dishwasher type
Kitchen dishwasher type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the kitchen dishwasher
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen dishwasher install year
Kitchen dishwasher install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the kitchen dishwasher was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen fridge type
Kitchen fridge type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the kitchen fridge
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen fridge install year
Kitchen fridge install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the kitchen fridge was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen microwave type
Kitchen microwave type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the kitchen microwave
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen microwave install year
Kitchen microwave install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the kitchen microwave was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen stove type
Kitchen stove type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the kitchen stove
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen stove install year
Kitchen stove install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the kitchen stove was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen countertop material
Kitchen countertop material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The material of the kitchen countertop
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Kitchen stove heat type
Kitchen stove heat type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The heating element type of the stove in the kitchen
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Laundry Laundry in a property refers to the washing and drying machines in a property. They can be private or shared. Shared laundry facilities are available to all residents in a common area.
Laundry appliance brand
Laundry appliance brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The brand of the laundry appliance
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Laundry appliance finish
Laundry appliance finish
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The finish of the laundry appliance
Stainless steel
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Laundry dryer type
Laundry dryer type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the laundry dryer
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Laundry dryer install year
Laundry dryer install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the laundry dryer was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Laundry washer type
Laundry washer type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of the laundry washer
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Laundry washer install year
Laundry washer install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the laundry washer was installed
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared facilities Shared facilities refer to areas, equipment or services that are available to residents or owners of a property, such as a condominium or apartment building. These may include things like swimming pools, fitness centers, community rooms, playgrounds, parking lots, and other common areas.
Shared indoor gym
Shared indoor gym
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared indoor gym
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared indoor hot tub
Shared indoor hot tub
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared indoor hot tub
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared indoor sauna
Shared indoor sauna
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared indoor sauna
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared indoor swimming pool
Shared indoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared indoor swimming pool
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared indoor workshop
Shared indoor workshop
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared indoor workshop
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Has shared laundry room
Has shared laundry room
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property has a shared laundry room
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared outdoor gym
Shared outdoor gym
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor gym
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared outdoor hot tub
Shared outdoor hot tub
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor hot tub
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared outdoor sauna
Shared outdoor sauna
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor sauna
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared outdoor swimming pool
Shared outdoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the property have a shared outdoor swimming pool
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Fees Condo or HOA fees refer to the monthly or yearly payments made by the owners of a condominium or a property that is part of a homeowners' association (HOA) to cover the costs of shared expenses and maintenance of the property and its common areas, such as elevators, hallways, swimming pools, and landscaping.
Maintenance fee
Maintenance fee
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Maintenance fee includes electric
Maintenance fee includes electric
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the maintenance fee includes electric
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Maintenance fee includes heat
Maintenance fee includes heat
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the maintenance fee includes heat
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Maintenance fee includes water
Maintenance fee includes water
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether or not the maintenance fee includes water
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Property taxes
Property taxes
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The property taxes for the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Renovations Renovations are any improvements, repairs, or changes made to a real estate property with the intention of updating or enhancing its functionality, appearance, or value.
Kitchen year last renovated
Kitchen year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the kitchen was last renovated
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Bathroom year last renovated
Bathroom year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the bathroom was last renovated
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Bedroom year last renovated
Bedroom year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the bedroom was last renovated
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Living room year last renovated
Living room year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the living room was last renovated
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Basement year last renovated
Basement year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the basement was last renovated
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Exterior year last renovated
Exterior year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The year the exterior was last renovated
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Parking Parking refers to a designated space, area, or structure for the temporary or permanent storage of a vehicle on a real estate property. Parking can be provided in different ways, such as private or shared garages, driveways or parking lots.
Garage parking space first
Garage parking space first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage parking space first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage parking space second
Garage parking space second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage parking space second
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Has RV parking
Has RV parking
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether the property has RV parking
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Parking lot parking space
Parking lot parking space
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Parking lot parking space
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Parking lot parking space legal type
Parking lot parking space legal type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Parking lot parking space legal type
Exclusive use
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Driveway parking space
Driveway parking space
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The number of driveway parking spaces
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Carport parking space
Carport parking space
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The number of carport parking spaces
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage (private) A private garage is a garage that is only accessible to the owner of the property. It is not shared with other owners or tenants.
Garage type
Garage type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage type (second)
Garage type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage 240v first
Garage 240v first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage 240v second
Garage 240v second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage tandem
Garage tandem
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage tandem second
Garage tandem second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage floor above ground first
Garage floor above ground first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage floor above ground first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage floor above ground second
Garage floor above ground second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage floor above ground second
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage floor below ground first
Garage floor below ground first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage floor below ground first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage floor below ground second
Garage floor below ground second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage floor below ground second
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage heating type first
Garage heating type first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage heating type first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage heating type second
Garage heating type second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage heating type second
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage parking space first
Garage parking space first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage parking space first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage parking space second
Garage parking space second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage parking space second
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Garage (shared) A shared garage is a garage that is shared with other owners or tenants. It is not accessible to the owner of the property only.
Shared garage 240v
Shared garage 240v
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage 240v (second)
Shared garage 240v (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage 240v second
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage floor above ground
Shared garage floor above ground
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage floor above ground first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage floor above ground (second)
Shared garage floor above ground (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage floor above ground second
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage floor below ground
Shared garage floor below ground
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage floor below ground first
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage floor below ground (second)
Shared garage floor below ground (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage floor below ground second
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage heating type
Shared garage heating type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage heating type first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage heating type (second)
Shared garage heating type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage heating type second
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage parking space first
Shared garage parking space first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage parking space first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage parking space second
Shared garage parking space second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage parking space second
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage legal type first
Shared garage legal type first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage legal type first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage legal type second
Shared garage legal type second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage legal type second
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage tandem first
Shared garage tandem first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage tandem first
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage tandem second
Shared garage tandem second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage tandem second
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage type first
Shared garage type first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Parking garage
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage type second
Shared garage type second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Shared garage type second
No value
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Outbuildings Outbuildings are additional structures that are located on a property but are not attached to the main dwelling. These can include buildings such as sheds, garages, barns, and workshops, and are often used for storage, parking, or other non-residential purposes.
Outbuilding type first
Outbuilding type first
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Outbuilding type second
Outbuilding type second
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Outbuilding type third
Outbuilding type third
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Metal building
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Outbuilding type fourth
Outbuilding type fourth
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Outbuilding type fifth
Outbuilding type fifth
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Condition Condition refers to the overall state of the property, including its physical state and any necessary repairs or upgrades. It is a measure of the property's quality and readiness for use.
Is condemned
Is condemned
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need ceiling repair
Need ceiling repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need cooling repair
Need cooling repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need drywall repair
Need drywall repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need electrical repair
Need electrical repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need floor repair
Need floor repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need foundation repair
Need foundation repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need heating repair
Need heating repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need mold repair
Need mold repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need paint repair
Need paint repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need plumbing repair
Need plumbing repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need roof repair
Need roof repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Need window repair
Need window repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite(s) A secondary suite refers to a self-contained living unit, which is separate from the main living quarters and includes its own bathroom, kitchen, and entrance.
Secondary suite type
Secondary suite type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Basement suite
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite seperate entrance
Secondary suite seperate entrance
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite seperate entrance
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite has own laundry
Secondary suite has own laundry
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite has own laundry
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite type (second)
Secondary suite type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite seperate entrance (second)
Secondary suite seperate entrance (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite seperate entrance
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite has own laundry (second)
Secondary suite has own laundry (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite has own laundry
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite type (third)
Secondary suite type (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite seperate entrance (third)
Secondary suite seperate entrance (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite seperate entrance
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite has own laundry (third)
Secondary suite has own laundry (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Secondary suite has own laundry
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Utilities Utilities are essential services, such as electricity, gas, water, and sewer, that are necessary for a property to function properly.
Internet provider
Internet provider
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Electricity provider
Electricity provider
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Gas provider
Gas provider
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Water provider
Water provider
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimate monthly electrical cost
Estimate monthly electrical cost
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimate monthly electrical cost
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimate monthly heat cost
Estimate monthly heat cost
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimate monthly heat cost
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimate monthly water cost
Estimate monthly water cost
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Estimate monthly water cost
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Land Land (or 'lot') generally refers to the area of the property that is not covered by a building or structure, including any surrounding yard or outdoor space.
Land area
Land area
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
The area of the land in square feet
214748 sq ft document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Land depth
Land depth
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The depth of the land in metres
0 ft AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Land frontage
Land frontage
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The frontage of the land in metres
0 ft AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Backs onto
Backs onto
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The feature that the property backs onto
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Fronts onto
Fronts onto
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The feature that the property fronts onto
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Irrigation system type
Irrigation system type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The type of irrigation system
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Has RV parking
Has RV parking
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether the property has RV parking
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
In cul de sac
In cul de sac
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Whether the property is in a cul de sac
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
The community the property is located in
Spruce Avenue
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
The city the property is located in
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
The province the property is located in
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
The country the property is located in
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
The latitude of the property
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
The longitude of the property
document This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)
Postal code
Postal code
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The postal code of the property
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Waste Waste services refers to the collection and disposal of garbage, recycling, and compost. Waste services may be provided by a municipality or a private waste management company.
Summer garbage pickup day
Summer garbage pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The day garbage is picked up in the summer
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Summer garbage pickup schedule
Summer garbage pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The schedule garbage is picked up in the summer
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Summer recycle pickup day
Summer recycle pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The day recycle is picked up in the summer
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Summer recycle pickup schedule
Summer recycle pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The schedule recycle is picked up in the summer
Every 2nd week
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Summer organic waste pickup day
Summer organic waste pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The day organic waste is picked up in the summer
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Summer organic waste pickup schedule
Summer organic waste pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The schedule organic waste is picked up in the summer
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Winter garbage pickup day
Winter garbage pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The day garbage is picked up in the winter
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Winter garbage pickup schedule
Winter garbage pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The schedule garbage is picked up in the winter
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Winter recycle pickup day
Winter recycle pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The day recycle is picked up in the winter
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Winter recycle pickup schedule
Winter recycle pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The schedule recycle is picked up in the winter
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Winter organic waste pickup day
Winter organic waste pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The day organic waste is picked up in the winter
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Winter organic waste pickup schedule
Winter organic waste pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
The schedule organic waste is picked up in the winter
Every 2nd week
AI This value was estimated by Houski's AI model
Assessments Assessments are the estimated values of a property for tax purposes. They are estimated and assigned by the city that the property is located in. They are used to determine the amount of property taxes that a property owner must pay.
Year Assessment 2018 $5,734,000
2017 $5,833,000
2016 $5,856,000
2015 $5,299,500
2014 $5,352,000
2013 $5,366,000
2012 $4,212,500
Permits & licenses Permits and licenses are documents that are issued by a government agency to authorize the construction, renovation, or operation of a property. This section generally includes building permits, development permits, and business licenses.
No permit data for this property
Nearby services The nearby section contains information about the amenities, services, and facilities that are located near the property. This includes schools, hospitals, grocery stores, parks, and other points of interest.
Nearby schools Nearby hospitals and medical clinics Nearby police and fire stations Nearby services (within 5 km) Show more