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1101 25 McKinnon Road NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


What price do you think this property would sell for?



infoHouski score
Houski score
This value is calculated based on other data

Our proprietary rating from 1-10 (generally displayed as a 5 star rating system with half stars) that measures the overall quality and appeal of this property.

The Houski score combines ratings for location, property features, value, and other factors into a single number, making it easy to compare properties across different neighborhoods and price points.

Houski Score=round(Individual ScoresMax Total Score×10)
infoProperty type
Property type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The category of property, such as house, townhouse, apartment, etc.

This classification helps identify the basic structure type and ownership model of the property.

  • House: A detached single-family dwelling
  • Townhouse: An attached home sharing one or more walls with adjacent properties
  • Apartment: A residential unit within a larger multi-unit building
  • Duplex: A building with two separate residential units
  • Multiplex: A building containing three or more residential units
  • Manufactured: A factory-built home, including mobile or modular homes
  • Land: An undeveloped property with no primary structures
  • Commercial: A property primarily used for business purposes
  • Farm: Agricultural property that may include both land and structures
infoTotal bedrooms
Total bedrooms
This value is calculated based on other data

The total number of all bedroom spaces, including both traditional bedrooms and dens.

This count combines formal bedrooms with den spaces that could function as sleeping areas but may lack features like proper windows or closets required for official bedroom designation.

infoFull bathrooms
Full bathrooms
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of complete bathrooms with toilet, sink, shower, and bathtub.

Full bathrooms include all four main fixtures and offer complete functionality, unlike half bathrooms (toilet and sink only) or three-quarter bathrooms (missing a bathtub).

infoHalf bathrooms
Half bathrooms
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of half bathrooms (toilet and sink only) in this property.

Half bathrooms, sometimes called powder rooms, provide toilet facilities without a shower or bathtub and are typically found in common areas for guest use.

infoInterior square feet
Interior square feet
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The total interior living space of the property measured in square feet (sq ft).

This measurement shows the usable floor area inside the property, including all finished rooms and hallways but excluding exterior walls, unfinished areas, garages, and outdoor spaces.

1157 sq ft
infoEstimated list price
Estimated list price
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Our AI-calculated prediction of what this property would likely be listed for on the market today.

This estimate is based on property characteristics, location, and recent market activity of similar properties, providing a current market value even for properties not actively for sale.

infoEstimated sale price
Estimated sale price
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Our AI-calculated prediction of what this property would likely sell for in today's market.

This estimate reflects the expected final transaction price after negotiations, which is typically lower than the listing price. It's based on property characteristics, location, and recent sales of similar properties.

infoEstimated rent monthly
Estimated rent monthly
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

An approximate monthly rental price for the entire property.

This estimate helps potential investors, landlords, or tenants understand the potential rental income or expected monthly rent. The actual rental rate can vary based on factors like property condition, location, local market demand, and seasonal fluctuations.

infoFor sale
For sale
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates whether this property is currently for sale on the market.

When this value is 'Yes', the property has an active listing and is available for purchase. Properties marked 'No' are not currently being offered for sale.

May not always be correct, or up-to-date, but usually is.

infoFor rent
For rent
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates whether this property is currently available for rent.

When this value is 'Yes', the property has an active rental listing and is available for tenants. Properties marked 'No' are not currently being offered for rent. Not always accurate, as we collect this data from various sources and it may not be correct, nor up-to-date.

infoOwnership type
Ownership type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The type of property ownership that defines your rights and responsibilities.

This shows how you own or possess the property.

  • Freehold: Full, permanent ownership of property and land
  • Condominium: Ownership of a unit with shared common areas
  • Leasehold: Temporary ownership with a fixed term
infoMaintenance fee
Maintenance fee
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The regular payment required for shared services and maintenance of common areas.

This fee covers collective expenses such as building upkeep, amenities, landscaping, and other services managed by the homeowners association or condo corporation.

infoProperty taxes
Property taxes
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The yearly property tax amount for this home.

Property taxes fund local services and infrastructure. This figure represents the current annual tax amount, which may change with future assessments or tax rate adjustments.

infoConstruction year
Construction year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when this property was originally built.

This indicates the age of the original structure, though significant renovations may have updated various aspects of the property since its initial construction. This data is sourced from official property records where available, or estimated based on architectural characteristics and neighborhood development patterns.


Table of Contents

Market value

Price predictions update in real time, as you edit the property's details.

Houski's market value predictions are the estimated prices that a property would list and sell for in the current real estate market. It takes into account various factors such as the property's location, condition, size, and features, as well as supply and demand.

Chart smoothed using Whittaker-Eilers method $520,000 $540,000 $560,000 $580,000 $600,000 $620,000 $640,000 $660,000 Mar '24 May '24 Jul '24 Sep '24 Nov '24 Jan '25 Mar '25 List Price Sale Price


These are estimates of the listing history for this property, based on machine learning and data from various sources across the internet.

No listing data for this property


The investment section contains information about the financial prospects of the property, such as its potential return on investment, cash flow, and other financial metrics.

The calculations are based on a hypothetical 5% interest rate mortgage with a 20% down payment, and our estimated sale price for the property.

infoCapitalization rate
Capitalization rate
This value is calculated based on other data

A percentage that shows the potential annual return on a real estate investment based on the property's income.

The cap rate helps investors quickly assess and compare the profitability of different property investments.

Cap Rate=Annual Rental IncomeAnnual ExpensesTotal Purchase Price

A higher cap rate suggests a potentially more profitable investment, though it should be considered alongside other financial metrics.

infoCash on cash return
Cash on cash return
This value is calculated based on other data

Shows how much cash the property generates each year compared to the cash you've invested.

This percentage helps you compare different investment opportunities based on their annual cash returns.

Cash on Cash Return=Rental IncomeExpensesMortgage PaymentsDown Payment+Renovation Costs×100%

A higher percentage indicates better short-term cash performance from your investment.

infoReturn on investment
Return on investment
This value is calculated based on other data

Shows the total financial return of the property investment over its holding period.

This metric helps evaluate the overall financial performance by comparing net profits to the total amount invested.

ROI=(Resale ValuePurchase Price)+(Annual Cash Flow×Years Owned)(Down Payment+Renovation Costs+Total Mortgage Payments)

A higher percentage indicates a more profitable investment, taking into account both appreciation and income generation.

infoPrice per square foot
Price per square foot
This value is calculated based on other data

The estimated sale price per square foot of the property, based on current market analysis.

This metric helps you understand the property's potential market value, reflecting its worth on a standardized per-square-foot basis.

Price per sq ft=Estimated Sale PriceInterior Area in sq ft
infoList price vs estimate
List price vs estimate
This value is calculated based on other data

The numerical difference between the property's actual current listing price and its AI-estimated market value.

This value is calculated by subtracting the estimated list price from the current list price (list_price - estimate_list_price), expressed as an integer in the local currency.

Price Difference=Current List PriceEstimated List Price

A positive value indicates the property is listed above its estimated market value, while a negative value indicates it's listed below the estimate. Null values appear when no current list price is available.

infoAssessment vs estimate
Assessment vs estimate
This value is calculated based on other data

The numerical difference between the property's official tax assessment value and its AI-estimated sale price.

This value is calculated by subtracting the estimated sale price from the tax assessment value (assessment_value - estimate_sale_price), expressed as an integer in the local currency.

Value Difference=Tax Assessment ValueEstimated Sale Price

A positive value indicates the property is assessed higher than its estimated market value, while a negative value indicates it's assessed below the market estimate. Null values appear when no assessment value is available.



The building section contains information about the physical features of the property.

infoProperty type
Property type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The category of property, such as house, townhouse, apartment, etc.

This classification helps identify the basic structure type and ownership model of the property.

  • House: A detached single-family dwelling
  • Townhouse: An attached home sharing one or more walls with adjacent properties
  • Apartment: A residential unit within a larger multi-unit building
  • Duplex: A building with two separate residential units
  • Multiplex: A building containing three or more residential units
  • Manufactured: A factory-built home, including mobile or modular homes
  • Land: An undeveloped property with no primary structures
  • Commercial: A property primarily used for business purposes
  • Farm: Agricultural property that may include both land and structures
infoInterior square feet
Interior square feet
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The total interior living space of the property measured in square feet (sq ft).

This measurement shows the usable floor area inside the property, including all finished rooms and hallways but excluding exterior walls, unfinished areas, garages, and outdoor spaces.

1157 sq ft
infoFull bathrooms
Full bathrooms
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of complete bathrooms with toilet, sink, shower, and bathtub.

Full bathrooms include all four main fixtures and offer complete functionality, unlike half bathrooms (toilet and sink only) or three-quarter bathrooms (missing a bathtub).

infoHalf bathrooms
Half bathrooms
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of half bathrooms (toilet and sink only) in this property.

Half bathrooms, sometimes called powder rooms, provide toilet facilities without a shower or bathtub and are typically found in common areas for guest use.

This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of dedicated bedrooms in this property.

This count includes only formal bedrooms and does not include dens, offices, or other flexible spaces that could potentially be used as sleeping areas.

This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of dens or flex spaces in this property.

Dens are rooms that could be used as additional sleeping areas but don't qualify as official bedrooms because they may lack proper windows, closets, or other features required by building codes.

This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of fireplaces in this property.

This includes all fireplace types (wood-burning, gas, electric) located in any room, providing a complete count of this desirable home feature.

This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of floors or stories above ground level in this property.

This count shows how many levels the building has, not including basements or below-ground areas.

infoFloor plan type
Floor plan type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The architectural layout of levels in this property.

This describes how the living spaces are arranged across different levels of the home.

  • Normal: A classic floor plan where each floor is a complete, full-size level stacked directly above another. When you enter the front door, you'll find a single, short staircase leading to all other floors. Viewed from the outside, the house looks like a traditional, straightforward box-like structure with floors directly on top of each other.
  • Standard-split: When you enter, you'll immediately notice multiple short staircases leading to different living areas. Typically, the entry is positioned between two levels - for example, a few steps up to the main living area, and a few steps down to a lower level. From the outside, the house appears to have slight level changes that are not immediately obvious.
  • Side-split: From the side of the house, you can clearly see different levels running horizontally. If you stand to the side of the house, you'll notice distinct living areas at different heights, almost like the house has been sliced vertically, with each section visible side-by-side. The front door typically opens to an intermediate level.
  • Back-split: From the back of the house, you can see the different levels stacked or offset. The front of the house might look like a standard two-story home, but from the rear, you'll notice how levels are positioned at different heights. The front entrance is usually on a single level, with other levels visible only from the back.
  • Stacked-split: This is the most complex layout. Imagine a house where levels are partially overlapping and staggered, almost like a set of misaligned blocks. From the outside, you'll see multiple levels that don't line up uniformly. When inside, you'll find that moving between levels requires more than just a single, simple staircase.
  • Bi-level: When you enter the front door, you'll immediately be on a half-level. A short, usually 3-5 step staircase will lead you either up or down to the main living areas. From the outside, the house looks slightly different from a standard home, with the ground level not being a full floor.
infoArchitecture style
Architecture style
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary architectural style that defines the property's design and character.

This describes the unique visual and structural approach used in designing the property.

  • Not applicable: No specific architectural style or unable to categorize
  • Commercial: Designed primarily for business or industrial use, prioritizing functionality
  • Bungalow: Low-profile, single-story home with a wide front porch and low-pitched roof, typically with craftsman-like details
  • Loft: Open, industrial-inspired space with high ceilings, large windows, and minimal interior walls
  • Elizabethan: Ornate Tudor-era style with decorative half-timbering, steep roofs, and elaborate brick or stone work
  • Jacobean: Early 17th-century English style featuring symmetrical design, multiple chimneys, and large windows
  • Colonial: Symmetrical design with centered front door, evenly spaced windows, and traditional two-story layout
  • Gothic: Characterized by pointed arches, tall windows, intricate stonework, and vertical lines
  • Victorian: Ornate and decorative style with complex roof lines, detailed trim, and asymmetrical facades
  • Rustic: Natural materials, rough-hewn textures, and design that blends with surrounding landscape
  • Four Square: Boxy, symmetrical design with four rooms on each floor, typically two stories tall
  • Georgian: Highly symmetrical, with balanced proportions, multi-pane windows, and central entrance
  • Greek Revival: Inspired by classical Greek temples, featuring columns, symmetry, and pediment rooflines
  • Italianate: Ornate style with low-pitched roofs, decorative brackets, and tall, narrow windows
  • Mediterranean: Stucco walls, tile roofs, arched windows, and exterior elements inspired by coastal European designs
  • Mid-Century Modern: Clean lines, organic forms, large windows, and integration with the surrounding landscape
  • Modern: Minimalist design with clean lines, large windows, and emphasis on function over ornamentation
  • Neoclassical: Grand scale with symmetry, columns, and design elements inspired by classical Greek and Roman architecture
  • Prairie: Horizontal lines, flat or hipped roofs with broad overhanging eaves, and integration with the landscape
  • Ranch: Single-story, long and low profile with open floor plan and attached garage
  • Spanish: Stucco walls, red tile roofs, arched doorways, and decorative ironwork
  • Tudor: Distinctive half-timbering, steep pitched roofs, and decorative exterior woodwork
  • Tuscan: Rustic Italian-inspired design with stone or stucco exterior, warm colors, and natural materials
  • Queen Anne: Asymmetrical design with ornate decorative elements, turrets, and complex roof lines
  • Cape Cod: Simple, symmetrical design with steep roof, central chimney, and shuttered windows
  • Craftsman: Emphasis on natural materials, exposed rafters, handcrafted details, and front porches
  • Brutalist: Bold, monolithic concrete structures with exposed structural elements and geometric shapes
infoOwnership type
Ownership type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The type of property ownership that defines your rights and responsibilities.

This shows how you own or possess the property.

  • Freehold: Full, permanent ownership of property and land
  • Condominium: Ownership of a unit with shared common areas
  • Leasehold: Temporary ownership with a fixed term
infoExterior finish
Exterior finish
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The main material covering the outside of the property.

This shows the primary exterior building material that gives the property its look and protection.

  • Metal: Metallic exterior cladding
  • Vinyl: Synthetic plastic covering
  • Plaster: Smooth cement-based finish
  • Aluminum: Lightweight metal exterior
  • Stucco: Textured cement-based surface
  • Brick: Classic fired clay material
  • Concrete: Solid modern material
  • Log: Natural whole wood construction
  • Steel: Strong metal exterior
  • Wood: Traditional natural material
infoFence type
Fence type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The type of fence surrounding the property.

This shows the material and style of the property's boundary fencing.

  • None: No fence
  • Wood: Traditional wooden fencing
  • Plastic: Synthetic low-maintenance fence
  • Wrought iron: Decorative metal fence
  • Chain link: Open wire metal fencing
  • Picket: Classic spaced wood fence
  • Wood farm fence: Sturdy agricultural wooden fence
  • Wire farm fence: Open wire fencing
infoFloor material
Floor material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary material covering the floor of this property.

This shows the type of surface used for flooring in the main living area.

  • None: No specific flooring
  • Brick: Solid clay surface
  • Carpet: Soft textile covering
  • Unfinished concrete: Raw concrete
  • Painted concrete: Coated concrete
  • Polished concrete: Smooth, glossy concrete
  • Cork: Soft, sustainable material
  • Plywood: Engineered wood panel
  • Hardwood: Solid wood flooring
  • Laminate: Wood-like synthetic material
  • Marble: Luxurious stone surface
  • Tile: Ceramic or stone pieces
  • Bamboo: Sustainable wood alternative
  • Ceramic: Clay-based tiles
  • Stone: Natural rock material
  • Slate: Textured stone surface
  • Terrazzo: Decorative stone composite
  • Vinyl: Synthetic, water-resistant material
  • Linoleum: Natural, eco-friendly flooring made from renewable materials
  • Rubber: Shock-absorbing surface
  • Epoxy: Seamless industrial coating
infoFloor material (second)
Floor material (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary material covering the floor of this property.

This shows the type of surface used for flooring in the main living area.

  • None: No specific flooring
  • Brick: Solid clay surface
  • Carpet: Soft textile covering
  • Unfinished concrete: Raw concrete
  • Painted concrete: Coated concrete
  • Polished concrete: Smooth, glossy concrete
  • Cork: Soft, sustainable material
  • Plywood: Engineered wood panel
  • Hardwood: Solid wood flooring
  • Laminate: Wood-like synthetic material
  • Marble: Luxurious stone surface
  • Tile: Ceramic or stone pieces
  • Bamboo: Sustainable wood alternative
  • Ceramic: Clay-based tiles
  • Stone: Natural rock material
  • Slate: Textured stone surface
  • Terrazzo: Decorative stone composite
  • Vinyl: Synthetic, water-resistant material
  • Linoleum: Natural, eco-friendly flooring made from renewable materials
  • Rubber: Shock-absorbing surface
  • Epoxy: Seamless industrial coating
infoRoof functional
Roof functional
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the roof can be used as a livable outdoor space.

A functional roof is strong enough to place furniture, create a deck, or use as an additional living area.

  • Can support furniture and foot traffic
  • Acts as an extra outdoor living space
  • Reinforced to be more than a standard roof
  • Potentially used for lounging, gardening, or entertaining
infoRoof material
Roof material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary material covering the roof of this property.

This shows the type of material used to protect and finish the roof.

  • Asphalt: Standard shingle material
  • Clay: Traditional tile roofing
  • Slate: Natural stone roofing
  • Metal: Durable, modern metal covering
  • Wood: Traditional wooden roofing
  • Concrete: Heavy-duty roof material
  • Solar tile: Electricity-generating roof
infoPlumbing pipe material
Plumbing pipe material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The main material used for the property's water pipes and drainage system.

This shows the type of pipes used throughout the property's plumbing.

  • None: No specific plumbing pipes
  • Copper: Traditional metal piping
  • PVC: Lightweight plastic drainage pipes
  • ABS: Rigid plastic piping
  • PEX: Flexible, modern plastic pipes
  • Steel: Strong metal piping
  • Cast iron: Durable, historic piping material
infoDirection facing
Direction facing
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The main compass direction the property faces.

This shows the orientation of the property's front side.

  • North: Property's front facade or main entrance oriented towards the geographic North
  • South: Property's front facade or main entrance oriented towards the geographic South
  • East: Property's front facade or main entrance oriented towards the geographic East
  • West: Property's front facade or main entrance oriented towards the geographic West
infoWorkshop type
Workshop type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The type of specialized workspace in the property.

This shows the primary type of workshop or creative area available.

  • None: No workshop space
  • Wood work: Woodworking area
  • Metal work: Metalworking space
  • Plastic work: Plastic crafting area
  • Fabric work: Textile and sewing workspace
  • Electronic work: Electronics project area
  • Automotive work: Car repair space
  • Paint work: Painting and finishing area
  • Audio work: Sound and audio workspace
  • Video work: Multimedia production area
infoLoading bays
Loading bays
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of dedicated areas for loading and unloading goods.

This shows how many spaces are available for trucks to load and unload.

  • Areas for trucks to park and transfer goods
  • Important for commercial and industrial properties
  • Indicates logistical capacity of the property
  • Can impact property's operational efficiency
infoPrivate indoor gym
Private indoor gym
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal gym space within the property, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private fitness area that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private workout space
  • Located inside the property
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal fitness area
  • Convenient at-home exercise location
infoPrivate indoor hot tub
Private indoor hot tub
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal hot tub located inside the property, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private hot tub that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private hot tub
  • Located inside the property
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal relaxation space
  • Convenient at-home wellness feature
infoPrivate indoor sauna
Private indoor sauna
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal sauna located inside the property, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private sauna that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private sauna
  • Located inside the property
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal relaxation space
  • Convenient at-home wellness feature
infoPrivate indoor swimming pool
Private indoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal swimming pool located inside the property, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private indoor pool that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private swimming pool
  • Located inside the property
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal aquatic recreation space
  • Convenient at-home swimming facility
infoPrivate indoor workshop
Private indoor workshop
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal workspace located inside the property, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private workshop that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private workshop
  • Located inside the property
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal project and work space
  • Convenient at-home creative area
infoPrivate outdoor gym
Private outdoor gym
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal fitness area located outside the home, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private outdoor gym that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private outdoor gym
  • Located in the property's private outdoor space
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal open-air fitness area
  • Convenient at-home outdoor exercise space
infoPrivate outdoor hot tub
Private outdoor hot tub
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal hot tub located outside the home, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private outdoor hot tub that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private outdoor hot tub
  • Located in the property's private outdoor space
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal outdoor relaxation space
  • Convenient at-home wellness feature
infoPrivate outdoor sauna
Private outdoor sauna
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal sauna located outside the home, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private outdoor sauna that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private outdoor sauna
  • Located in the property's private outdoor space
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal outdoor wellness space
  • Convenient at-home heat therapy feature
infoPrivate outdoor swimming pool
Private outdoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A personal swimming pool located outside the home, exclusively for the owner's use.

This indicates a private outdoor pool that is not shared with others.

  • Fully private outdoor swimming pool
  • Located in the property's private outdoor space
  • Not in a shared or common area
  • Personal outdoor swimming space
  • Convenient at-home aquatic recreation feature
infoShared outdoor swimming pool
Shared outdoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A swimming pool located outside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal outdoor pool that is not privately owned.

  • Pool shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common outdoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal outdoor swimming facility
  • Shared aquatic recreation amenity
infoShared bicycle storage type
Shared bicycle storage type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what type of shared bicycle storage is available at the property.

Bicycle storage options can be an important amenity for cyclists and environmentally-conscious residents looking for alternative transportation support.

  • None: No shared bicycle storage available
  • Bicycle room/locker: Secure indoor storage space dedicated to bicycles
  • Bicycle rack: Outdoor or covered racks for securing bicycles
infoFire suppression type
Fire suppression type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The fire protection system installed in the property.

  • None: No fire protection system
  • Not applicable: No fire suppression needed
  • Sprinkler system: Automated water-based fire control
Not applicable
infoCeiling height
Ceiling height
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The distance from floor to ceiling in meters, measuring the vertical space of the property's rooms.

  • Measured in meters from floor to ceiling
10 ft
infoCeiling style
Ceiling style
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The design, texture, or finish applied to the ceiling surfaces throughout the property.

This feature affects both the visual appeal and acoustic properties of interior spaces.

  • Flat: Smooth, contemporary ceiling surface without texture
  • Popcorn: Bumpy spray-on texture popular in older homes
  • Shaved popcorn: Partially smoothed textured ceiling with reduced bumpiness
  • Open/industrial/loft: Exposed beams, ducts, and building systems
  • Tin: Decorative metal panels with ornate pressed patterns
  • Painted: Standard paint application without special textures
  • Painted mural: Custom artwork or decorative scenes on ceiling surfaces
infoCeiling is vaulted
Ceiling is vaulted
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property has ceilings that angle upward to create expanded vertical space.

Vaulted ceilings extend higher than standard flat ceilings, following the roofline to create a more open, spacious feeling in rooms.

infoNumber of elevators
Number of elevators
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The total number of elevators available within the building.

This count includes all elevator units that can be used by residents and visitors to move between floors.

infoConstruction material
Construction material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The main material used to build the property's structure and exterior.

This indicates what the building is primarily made of, which affects its appearance, durability, and maintenance requirements.

  • Not applicable: Construction material unknown or non-standard
  • Brick: Traditional clay brick construction
  • Concrete: Reinforced concrete structure
  • Log: Constructed from horizontal wooden logs
  • Steel: Metal framework construction
  • Wood: Traditional timber-framed building
infoConstruction year
Construction year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when this property was originally built.

This indicates the age of the original structure, though significant renovations may have updated various aspects of the property since its initial construction. This data is sourced from official property records where available, or estimated based on architectural characteristics and neighborhood development patterns.

infoFoundation type
Foundation type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The structural system beneath the property that supports its weight and provides stability.

The foundation type impacts a building's structural integrity and how it handles ground movement, moisture, and settling over time.

  • Poured concrete: Solid foundation created by pouring concrete into forms
  • Concrete block: Foundation built with stacked concrete masonry units
  • Post-tension concrete: Reinforced concrete with tensioned steel cables
  • Concrete slab: Flat concrete surface serving as both foundation and floor
  • Wood: Pressure-treated timber foundation often used in raised structures
  • Pile: Deep vertical supports driven into the ground for stability
  • Brick: Traditional brick masonry foundation typically in older buildings
Poured concrete
infoView type
View type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary scenic outlook visible from the property's main windows or outdoor spaces.

This describes what you can see when looking out from the property, which affects both enjoyment and value.

  • Street: View of neighborhood roads and surrounding buildings
  • Skyline: Panoramic city views showing urban architecture
  • Mountain: Views of natural mountain ranges or elevated terrain
  • Water: Outlook onto lakes, rivers, oceans, or other water features
  • Park: View of public green spaces or recreational parks
  • Golf course: Direct view of golf fairways and landscaping
infoHas backyard
Has backyard
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property has a private outdoor space behind the main structure.

A backyard provides private outdoor living space separate from the street or public areas, typically used for recreation, relaxation, or gardening.

infoHas frontyard
Has frontyard
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property has an outdoor space between the main building and the street.

A frontyard creates separation from public areas, enhances curb appeal, and often features landscaping or decorative elements visible to passersby.

infoHas assigned storage space
Has assigned storage space
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property comes with a dedicated storage space separate from the main living area.

This designated storage area is exclusively for the property's use, providing additional space for belongings that aren't needed daily.

infoAttic is functional
Attic is functional
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates whether the property has a finished attic that can be used as additional living space.

A functional attic is one that has been finished with proper insulation, drywall, flooring, lighting, and adequate headroom. It typically has permanent stair access rather than a pull-down ladder, making it easily accessible for daily use.

Functional attics add valuable square footage to a home and can serve as bedrooms, home offices, recreation rooms, or multi-purpose spaces. They represent potential living space that may not be included in the official square footage calculations of some properties.

infoRoof material install year
Roof material install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Shows the year when the current roof material was first put in place.

The roof installation year helps potential buyers understand the roof's age and condition. Most roofing materials have a typical lifespan, and knowing the installation year can indicate whether the roof is nearing the end of its expected service life or may require repairs or replacement soon.



Houski's property score is a percentage rating assigned to a property based on a set of criteria, such as its location, features, amenities, and other factors. The score is used to help buyers and renters quickly compare and evaluate different properties.

infoHouski score
Houski score
This value is calculated based on other data

Our proprietary rating from 1-10 (generally displayed as a 5 star rating system with half stars) that measures the overall quality and appeal of this property.

The Houski score combines ratings for location, property features, value, and other factors into a single number, making it easy to compare properties across different neighborhoods and price points.

Houski Score=round(Individual ScoresMax Total Score×10)
infoScore bicycle
Score bicycle
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring how bicycle-friendly an area is, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating better conditions for cycling.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the cycling potential of a location, considering factors like bike lanes, safety, and overall cycling infrastructure.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Extremely challenging for cyclists
  • 3-4: Poor - Limited bicycle infrastructure
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some cycling opportunities
  • 7-8: Good - Strong support for cyclists
  • 9-10: Excellent - Ideal for cycling enthusiasts
infoScore transit
Score transit
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the quality and accessibility of public transportation in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more extensive and convenient transit options.

This score helps residents and commuters understand the public transportation landscape of a location, considering factors like transit variety, service frequency, and overall ease of getting around without a personal vehicle.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Almost no public transit
  • 3-4: Poor - Limited transportation options
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some transit availability
  • 7-8: Good - Reliable public transportation
  • 9-10: Excellent - Exceptional transit network
infoScore cell coverage
Score cell coverage
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring mobile network coverage in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating better cellular connectivity.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the mobile network quality of a specific location, considering factors like signal strength, data speeds, and overall reliability.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Minimal to no usable cell service
  • 3-4: Poor - Unreliable mobile connectivity
  • 5-6: Moderate - Inconsistent network performance
  • 7-8: Good - Reliable cell phone coverage
  • 9-10: Excellent - Top-tier mobile network quality
infoScore safety
Score safety
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the safety of the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating a safer, more secure neighborhood.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the overall safety profile of a specific location, considering various factors that contribute to community security.

  • 0-2: Very High Risk - Significant safety concerns
  • 3-4: High Risk - Frequent safety incidents
  • 5-6: Moderate Risk - Some safety challenges
  • 7-8: Low Risk - Generally safe environment
  • 9-10: Very Low Risk - Exceptionally safe neighborhood
infoScore curb appeal
Score curb appeal
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the visual attractiveness of a property from the street, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more appealing exterior aesthetics.

This score helps potential buyers, renters, and real estate professionals understand the property's initial visual impact and overall exterior condition.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Significant aesthetic issues
  • 3-4: Poor - Noticeable exterior problems
  • 5-6: Moderate - Average street-level appearance
  • 7-8: Good - Attractive and well-maintained
  • 9-10: Excellent - Stunning exterior with exceptional landscaping
infoScore earthquake
Score earthquake
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the potential earthquake risk in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating greater seismic hazard.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the geological risks associated with a specific location, considering factors that could impact property safety and insurance.

  • 0-2: Very Low Risk - Minimal earthquake concerns
  • 3-4: Low Risk - Rare seismic activity
  • 5-6: Moderate Risk - Some earthquake potential
  • 7-8: High Risk - Significant seismic hazard
  • 9-10: Very High Risk - Extreme earthquake vulnerability
infoScore entertainment
Score entertainment
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the entertainment and recreational opportunities in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more diverse and exciting local activities.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the lifestyle and leisure potential of a specific location, considering factors like restaurants, venues, cultural attractions, and recreational options.

  • 0-2: Very Limited - Almost no entertainment options
  • 3-4: Poor - Very few recreational activities
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some local entertainment choices
  • 7-8: Good - Plenty of diverse entertainment
  • 9-10: Excellent - Vibrant, exciting local scene
infoScore family
Score family
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring how suitable an area is for families, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more family-friendly environments.

This score helps families understand the livability of a location, considering factors like schools, safety, parks, community resources, and overall family support infrastructure.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Minimal family-friendly amenities
  • 3-4: Poor - Limited resources for families
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some family-oriented features
  • 7-8: Good - Strong family support and activities
  • 9-10: Excellent - Ideal environment for family living
infoScore fire
Score fire
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the potential fire risk in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating greater fire hazard.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the fire-related risks associated with a specific location, considering factors that could impact property safety, insurance, and emergency preparedness.

  • 0-2: Very Low Risk - Minimal fire concerns
  • 3-4: Low Risk - Rare fire occurrence potential
  • 5-6: Moderate Risk - Some fire danger factors
  • 7-8: High Risk - Significant fire hazard
  • 9-10: Very High Risk - Extreme fire vulnerability
infoScore flood
Score flood
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the potential flood risk in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating greater flood hazard.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the water-related risks associated with a specific location, considering factors that could impact property safety, insurance, and long-term maintenance.

  • 0-2: Very Low Risk - Minimal flood concerns
  • 3-4: Low Risk - Rare flooding potential
  • 5-6: Moderate Risk - Some flood danger factors
  • 7-8: High Risk - Significant flood hazard
  • 9-10: Very High Risk - Extreme flood vulnerability
infoScore food and drink
Score food and drink
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the quality and diversity of local food and drink options, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating a more exciting culinary environment.

This score helps residents and food enthusiasts understand the gastronomic potential of a location, considering factors like restaurant variety, cuisine types, dining experiences, and local food culture.

  • 0-2: Very Limited - Almost no dining options
  • 3-4: Poor - Very few interesting restaurants
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some local dining choices
  • 7-8: Good - Plenty of diverse food and drink options
  • 9-10: Excellent - Vibrant, world-class culinary scene
infoScore hurricane
Score hurricane
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the potential hurricane risk in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating greater hurricane hazard.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the hurricane-related risks associated with a specific location, considering factors that could impact property safety, insurance, and emergency preparedness.

  • 0-2: Very Low Risk - Minimal hurricane concerns
  • 3-4: Low Risk - Rare hurricane potential
  • 5-6: Moderate Risk - Some hurricane danger factors
  • 7-8: High Risk - Significant hurricane hazard
  • 9-10: Very High Risk - Extreme hurricane vulnerability
infoScore internet
Score internet
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the quality and availability of internet services in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating better digital connectivity.

This score helps residents and remote workers understand the digital landscape of a location, considering factors like internet speed, service provider options, and overall digital infrastructure.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Extremely limited internet access
  • 3-4: Poor - Significant connectivity issues
  • 5-6: Moderate - Basic internet services
  • 7-8: Good - Reliable and fast internet
  • 9-10: Excellent - Superior digital connectivity
infoScore nature
Score nature
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the quality and accessibility of natural environments in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more extensive and high-quality natural spaces.

This score helps residents and nature enthusiasts understand the ecological characteristics of a location, considering factors like park proximity, green spaces, wildlife, and overall environmental quality.

  • 0-2: Very Limited - Almost no natural areas
  • 3-4: Poor - Minimal green spaces
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some natural environments
  • 7-8: Good - Abundant and diverse natural spaces
  • 9-10: Excellent - Exceptional natural landscape and biodiversity
infoScore quiet
Score quiet
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the noise levels and acoustic quality of an area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating a more peaceful and quiet environment.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the sound landscape of a location, considering factors like traffic, industrial noise, proximity to loud areas, and overall acoustic comfort.

  • 0-2: Very Loud - Constant noise disruptions
  • 3-4: Noisy - Frequent sound disturbances
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some background noise
  • 7-8: Quiet - Peaceful with minimal interruptions
  • 9-10: Very Quiet - Nearly silent, exceptionally peaceful
infoScore parking
Score parking
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the parking convenience in an area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating easier and more accessible parking options.

This score helps residents and visitors understand the parking landscape of a location, considering factors like street parking, garage availability, parking costs, and overall ease of finding a parking spot.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Extreme parking challenges
  • 3-4: Poor - Significant parking difficulties
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some parking options available
  • 7-8: Good - Convenient parking access
  • 9-10: Excellent - Abundant and easy parking
infoScore retirement
Score retirement
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring how suitable an area is for retirees, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more retirement-friendly environments.

This score helps seniors and their families understand the livability of a location, considering factors like healthcare, cost of living, social opportunities, and overall quality of life for retirees.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Minimal retirement support
  • 3-4: Poor - Limited resources for seniors
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some retirement-friendly features
  • 7-8: Good - Strong support for retirees
  • 9-10: Excellent - Ideal environment for retirement living
infoScore education
Score education
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the quality and accessibility of educational resources in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more robust educational opportunities.

This score helps families and students understand the educational landscape of a location, considering factors like school quality, academic resources, proximity to educational institutions, and overall learning environment.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Extremely limited educational options
  • 3-4: Poor - Significant educational challenges
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some educational resources
  • 7-8: Good - Strong academic opportunities
  • 9-10: Excellent - Exceptional educational environment
infoScore shopping
Score shopping
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the quality and accessibility of shopping options in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more extensive and convenient shopping experiences.

This score helps residents and visitors understand the shopping landscape of a location, considering factors like store variety, proximity to retail centers, and overall shopping convenience.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Almost no shopping options
  • 3-4: Poor - Limited retail choices
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some shopping variety
  • 7-8: Good - Diverse and convenient shopping
  • 9-10: Excellent - Exceptional shopping nearby
infoScore smell
Score smell
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the olfactory quality of an area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating a more pleasant-smelling environment.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the smell landscape of a location, considering factors like industrial emissions, natural odors, and overall air quality.

  • 0-2: Very Unpleasant - Constant offensive odors
  • 3-4: Poor - Frequent smell disturbances
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some noticeable odors
  • 7-8: Good - Mostly clean-smelling environment
  • 9-10: Excellent - Pristine, fresh-smelling air
infoScore tornado
Score tornado
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the potential tornado risk in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating greater tornado hazard.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the tornado-related risks associated with a specific location, considering factors that could impact property safety, insurance, and emergency preparedness.

  • 0-2: Very Low Risk - Minimal tornado concerns
  • 3-4: Low Risk - Rare tornado potential
  • 5-6: Moderate Risk - Some tornado danger factors
  • 7-8: High Risk - Significant tornado hazard
  • 9-10: Very High Risk - Extreme tornado vulnerability
infoScore traffic
Score traffic
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the traffic conditions in an area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating easier and more efficient transportation.

This score helps residents and commuters understand the transportation landscape of a location, considering factors like road congestion, commute times, and overall ease of getting around.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Extreme traffic congestion
  • 3-4: Poor - Significant transportation challenges
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some traffic issues
  • 7-8: Good - Relatively smooth traffic flow
  • 9-10: Excellent - Minimal congestion and easy commutes
infoScore air quality
Score air quality
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the air quality in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating cleaner, healthier air.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the environmental health of a specific location, considering factors that impact breathing and overall well-being.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Significant air pollution concerns
  • 3-4: Poor - Noticeable air quality issues
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some air quality limitations
  • 7-8: Good - Clean and healthy air conditions
  • 9-10: Excellent - Pristine air quality with minimal pollutants
infoScore walkability
Score walkability
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring how easy and pleasant it is to walk around the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating more pedestrian-friendly environments.

This score helps residents and visitors understand the walkability of a location, considering factors like sidewalk quality, proximity to destinations, safety, and overall ease of walking.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Almost impossible to walk
  • 3-4: Poor - Significant walking challenges
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some walkable areas
  • 7-8: Good - Very pedestrian-friendly
  • 9-10: Excellent - Perfect for walking everywhere
infoScore water quality
Score water quality
This value was crowd-sourced from Houski website visitors. It's an average of all the 'votes'

A comprehensive score measuring the safety and quality of drinking water in the area, ranging from 0 to 10, with higher numbers indicating cleaner, safer water.

This score helps residents and property seekers understand the drinking water quality of a location, considering factors like water treatment, contaminant levels, and overall water safety.

  • 0-2: Very Poor - Significant water quality concerns
  • 3-4: Poor - Numerous water safety issues
  • 5-6: Moderate - Some water quality limitations
  • 7-8: Good - High-quality, safe drinking water
  • 9-10: Excellent - Pristine water quality and safety


Basement refers to the lowest level of a building that is partly or completely below ground level. It can be used as storage, living space or for various other purposes depending on the design and layout of the property.

infoBasement type
Basement type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The classification of the below-ground space located underneath the main floor of the property.

This identifies what kind of underground area the building has, affecting storage options and potential usable space.

  • Not applicable: Standard basement classifications don't apply to this property
  • Full: Complete basement extending under the entire building
  • Partial: Basement under only part of the building's footprint
  • Crawlspace: Shallow access area primarily for utilities
  • None: No basement or below-ground space
infoFloor below ground
Floor below ground
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of complete floors located entirely underground.

This count indicates how many levels exist beneath the ground surface, which may include basement areas, parking garages, or other subterranean spaces.

infoBasement finish
Basement finish
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The degree to which the basement has been developed into habitable space.

This indicates whether the underground area has been converted into usable living space or remains in basic condition.

  • Not applicable: No basement exists or basement finish categorization doesn't apply
  • Finished: Fully developed with proper walls, flooring, ceiling, and utilities
  • Unfinished: Raw space with exposed foundation, concrete floor, and visible structure
  • Partial: Some areas finished while others remain in basic condition
infoBasement ceiling height
Basement ceiling height
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The vertical clearance in meters between the basement floor and ceiling.

This measurement determines the headroom in the basement, affecting how the space can be used and whether it meets requirements for habitable rooms.

8 ft
infoBasement has entrance
Basement has entrance
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the basement has its own exterior access point separate from the main entrance.

This feature allows direct entry to the basement from outside without going through the main living space, useful for separate units or convenient exterior access.

infoBasement is walkout
Basement is walkout
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the basement has direct access to the outdoors at ground level.

A walkout basement has at least one wall fully above ground due to the property's slope, allowing direct outdoor access without stairs.

infoBasement has crawlspace
Basement has crawlspace
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates whether the property has a crawlspace beneath the living area.

A crawlspace is a shallow area between the ground and the first floor of a home, typically 1-3 feet high, allowing just enough room for someone to crawl through. Unlike full basements, crawlspaces aren't designed for storage or living space.

Crawlspaces provide access to plumbing, wiring, and HVAC components, making repairs and modifications easier than with slab foundations. However, they require proper moisture control, ventilation, and insulation to prevent issues like mold, pest infestation, or energy inefficiency.


Air (HVAC)

The air heating, cooling, humidifying, cleaning and conditioning systems installed in the property.

infoHeating brand
Heating brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The manufacturer of the property's main heating system.

This indicates which company made the primary heating equipment, potentially reflecting on system quality and service support.

infoHeating type
Heating type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary method used to heat the property and keep it warm.

This indicates how heat is generated and distributed throughout the living spaces.

  • None: No heating system is installed
  • Heat pump: Transfers heat between indoors and outdoors
  • Gas furnace: Uses natural gas to produce warm air
  • Electric furnace: Uses electricity to generate warm air
  • In-floor: Heating elements under floors that warm from below
  • Radiant: Directly warms people and objects rather than air
  • Hot water: Circulates heated water through pipes or radiators
  • Electric: General electric heating solutions
  • Geothermal: Uses earth's constant underground temperature
Gas furnace
infoHeating install year
Heating install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the property's main heating system was installed.

This date helps determine the age of the heating equipment, which can indicate its efficiency and how soon replacement might be needed.

infoCooling brand
Cooling brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The manufacturer of the property's main cooling system.

This indicates which company made the primary air conditioning equipment, potentially reflecting on system quality and service support.

infoCooling type
Cooling type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary method used to cool the property during warm weather.

This indicates how cooled air is generated and distributed throughout the living spaces.

  • None: No cooling system is installed
  • Heat pump: Dual-purpose system that provides both heating and cooling
  • Central: Whole-house cooling through a duct system
  • Mini-split: Ductless cooling with wall-mounted indoor units
  • Split-system: Traditional AC with separate indoor and outdoor units
  • Mini-duct: Small, flexible ducts delivering high-velocity cooled air
  • Geothermal: Uses earth's constant underground temperature
infoCooling install year
Cooling install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the property's main cooling system was installed.

This date helps determine the age of the air conditioning equipment, which can indicate its efficiency and how soon replacement might be needed.

infoHeating type (second)
Heating type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary method used to heat the property and keep it warm.

This indicates how heat is generated and distributed throughout the living spaces.

  • None: No heating system is installed
  • Heat pump: Transfers heat between indoors and outdoors
  • Gas furnace: Uses natural gas to produce warm air
  • Electric furnace: Uses electricity to generate warm air
  • In-floor: Heating elements under floors that warm from below
  • Radiant: Directly warms people and objects rather than air
  • Hot water: Circulates heated water through pipes or radiators
  • Electric: General electric heating solutions
  • Geothermal: Uses earth's constant underground temperature
infoCooling type (second)
Cooling type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary method used to cool the property during warm weather.

This indicates how cooled air is generated and distributed throughout the living spaces.

  • None: No cooling system is installed
  • Heat pump: Dual-purpose system that provides both heating and cooling
  • Central: Whole-house cooling through a duct system
  • Mini-split: Ductless cooling with wall-mounted indoor units
  • Split-system: Traditional AC with separate indoor and outdoor units
  • Mini-duct: Small, flexible ducts delivering high-velocity cooled air
  • Geothermal: Uses earth's constant underground temperature
infoHumidifier type
Humidifier type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The type of humidity control system in the property.

This shows how moisture is added to the indoor air.

  • None: No humidification system
  • Bypass: Passive moisture addition through existing airflow
  • Evaporative: Uses a water-saturated filter to add moisture
  • Fan-powered: Active system with built-in fan for moisture distribution
infoHumidifier brand
Humidifier brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The manufacturer of the property's humidifier.

This shows which company made the humidity control system in the home.

Not applicable
infoHumidifier install year
Humidifier install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year the home's humidifier was first installed.

This shows how old the humidity control system is in the property.

infoAir cleaner type
Air cleaner type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type of air cleaning system used in the property.

Air cleaning technologies help improve indoor air quality by removing or neutralizing contaminants.

  • None: No additional air purification system present
  • Electrostatic: Captures particles by using electrical charges to attract and trap them
  • Ultraviolet: Uses UV light to kill or inactivate bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms
infoAir cleaner brand
Air cleaner brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the specific brand of the air cleaning system in the property.

The brand of an air cleaner can provide insights into its technology, performance, and potential maintenance requirements. Different manufacturers offer various features, filtration technologies, and warranty options.

Not applicable
infoAir cleaner install year
Air cleaner install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Shows the year when the air cleaning system was first put in place.

The installation year helps understand the system's age, which can be important for evaluating its efficiency, potential need for replacement, and whether it incorporates more recent air purification technologies.

infoWater softener type
Water softener type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type of water softener system in the property.

Water softeners help reduce mineral content that can cause scaling, improve appliance efficiency, and enhance water quality.

  • None: No water softening system present
  • Salt-based: Removes hard water minerals using salt and ion exchange
  • Salt-free: Prevents mineral buildup without removing minerals
  • Dual-tank: Ensures continuous soft water supply with alternating tanks
  • Magnetic: Uses magnetic technology to reduce mineral scaling
infoWater softener brand
Water softener brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the specific brand of the water softener in the property.

The brand of a water softener can provide insights into its technology, performance, efficiency, and potential warranty coverage. Different manufacturers offer various features and reliability ratings.

Not applicable
infoWater softener install year
Water softener install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Shows the year when the current water softener was first put in place.

The installation year helps potential buyers understand the water softener's age and condition. Most water softeners have a typical lifespan of 10-15 years, and knowing the installation year can indicate whether the system may need replacement or repairs soon.

infoWater heater type
Water heater type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type of water heating system in the property.

The water heater type affects energy efficiency, utility costs, and the property's hot water capabilities.

  • None: Property lacks a dedicated water heating system
  • Electric: Uses electrical resistance to heat water in a storage tank
  • Gas: Heats water using a gas burner, typically more energy-efficient than electric
  • Tankless: Compact system that heats water instantly when needed, saving energy
  • Solar: Environmentally friendly option using solar panels to heat water
infoWater heater brand
Water heater brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the specific brand of the water heating system in the property.

The brand of a water heater can provide insights into its technology, performance, energy efficiency, and potential warranty coverage. Different manufacturers offer various features and reliability ratings.

infoWater heater install year
Water heater install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Shows the year when the current water heating system was first put in place.

The installation year helps potential buyers understand the water heater's age and condition. Most water heaters have a typical lifespan of 8-12 years, and knowing the installation year can indicate whether the system may need replacement or repairs soon.


Balcony / deck / patio

A balcony, deck, patio, etc, is an outdoor living space that is attached to a building or a home. It can be used for recreational activities, relaxation, or entertaining guests.

infoBalcony type
Balcony type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type of outdoor living space attached to the property.

Different types of external spaces offer unique benefits for outdoor relaxation, entertaining, and enjoying views.

  • None: No external living space available
  • Not applicable: Property layout does not support a balcony
  • Balcony: Elevated outdoor platform with views and open-air access
  • Loggia: Sheltered outdoor area with architectural features
  • Mezzanine: Partially open intermediate space with unique perspective
  • Terrace: Spacious outdoor area for relaxation and entertaining
  • Veranda: Covered outdoor space extending along building's exterior
  • Porch: Sheltered entrance area for sitting and socializing
  • Deck: Wooden outdoor platform, great for outdoor furniture
  • Patio: Ground-level outdoor space for relaxation and gatherings
infoBalcony type (second)
Balcony type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type of outdoor living space attached to the property.

Different types of external spaces offer unique benefits for outdoor relaxation, entertaining, and enjoying views.

  • None: No external living space available
  • Not applicable: Property layout does not support a balcony
  • Balcony: Elevated outdoor platform with views and open-air access
  • Loggia: Sheltered outdoor area with architectural features
  • Mezzanine: Partially open intermediate space with unique perspective
  • Terrace: Spacious outdoor area for relaxation and entertaining
  • Veranda: Covered outdoor space extending along building's exterior
  • Porch: Sheltered entrance area for sitting and socializing
  • Deck: Wooden outdoor platform, great for outdoor furniture
  • Patio: Ground-level outdoor space for relaxation and gatherings
infoBalcony type (third)
Balcony type (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type of outdoor living space attached to the property.

Different types of external spaces offer unique benefits for outdoor relaxation, entertaining, and enjoying views.

  • None: No external living space available
  • Not applicable: Property layout does not support a balcony
  • Balcony: Elevated outdoor platform with views and open-air access
  • Loggia: Sheltered outdoor area with architectural features
  • Mezzanine: Partially open intermediate space with unique perspective
  • Terrace: Spacious outdoor area for relaxation and entertaining
  • Veranda: Covered outdoor space extending along building's exterior
  • Porch: Sheltered entrance area for sitting and socializing
  • Deck: Wooden outdoor platform, great for outdoor furniture
  • Patio: Ground-level outdoor space for relaxation and gatherings


Zoning refers to the legal regulations and restrictions that dictate how a property can be used and developed within a particular area. It determines what types of activities are allowed in a given location, such as residential, commercial, or industrial use.

This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the official land use classification for the property.

Zoning determines what types of buildings and activities are permitted on the property, which can significantly impact potential uses, future development, and property value.

  • Residential: Primarily for housing, with restrictions on commercial activities
  • Commercial: Allows businesses, shops, and offices
  • Industrial: Supports manufacturing and industrial operations
  • Agricultural: Preserves land for farming and related uses
  • Mixed-use: Combines different types of land uses
  • Special purpose: Unique zoning with specific guidelines
infoIs residential
Is residential
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Specifies if the property is intended for residential living.

This classification determines how the property can be used, affecting everything from potential occupancy to types of activities allowed on the premises.

infoIs commercial
Is commercial
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Specifies if the property is intended for business or commercial use.

This classification determines how the property can be utilized, affecting potential business activities, zoning compliance, and permitted operations.



Information about the use of the property for business purposes.

infoBuilding name
Building name
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The official name that identifies this specific building or property.

This represents the formal designation that distinguishes this structure from others in the area.

  • Formal building identifiers like 'Burj Khalifa', 'One World Trade Center'
  • Names of established residential complexes or developments
  • Notable restaurant or retail properties with distinctive buildings
  • Recognized landmark structures with official designations
  • Branded commercial properties with established identities
  • Not used for temporary labels or unofficial nicknames
No value
infoCommercial use
Commercial use
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the most suitable type of business or commercial use for the property.

This classification helps potential buyers or investors understand the property's potential commercial applications.

  • Ranges from retail and office spaces to specialized facilities
  • Reflects the property's potential for different business types
  • Considers location, zoning, and structural characteristics
No value
infoConverted to residential use
Converted to residential use
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Specifies if the property was transformed from a non-residential to a residential use.

Conversion of properties from commercial or industrial spaces to residential units is a common urban development trend. This can involve significant structural modifications to adapt the building for living purposes, potentially affecting the property's layout, amenities, and overall character.

infoConverted to commercial use
Converted to commercial use
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Specifies if the property was transformed from a non-commercial to a commercial use.

Conversion of properties to commercial use is a common urban development strategy. This can involve significant structural modifications to adapt the building for business purposes, potentially changing the property's layout, infrastructure, and zoning classification.



The kitchen is a room in a real estate property that is used for preparing and cooking food. It typically contains appliances such as a stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink, as well as cabinets and counter space for storage and food preparation.

infoKitchen appliance brand
Kitchen appliance brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the specific brand of the kitchen appliance.

The brand of a kitchen appliance can provide insights into its performance, reliability, energy efficiency, and potential warranty coverage. Different manufacturers offer various features and technological innovations.

infoKitchen appliance finish
Kitchen appliance finish
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the color and surface finish of the kitchen appliance.

The appliance finish contributes to the kitchen's overall design aesthetic, affecting how the space looks and feels.

  • Not applicable: No specific appliance or finish
  • Stainless steel: Modern, professional-looking metallic finish
  • Black stainless steel: Sophisticated, dark metallic appearance
  • Black: Contemporary, minimalist solid color
  • White: Classic, clean neutral finish
  • Gray: Versatile, modern neutral color
  • Red: Bold, statement-making color
  • Blue: Unique, decorative color choice
  • Yellow: Bright, energetic finish
  • Green: Distinctive, less traditional color
  • Mixed: Combination of different finishes or colors
Stainless steel
infoKitchen dishwasher type
Kitchen dishwasher type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type and installation method of the kitchen dishwasher.

The dishwasher type affects kitchen design, flexibility, and cleaning capacity. Different configurations suit various kitchen layouts and household needs.

  • None: Kitchen does not have a dishwasher
  • Freestanding: Standalone unit that can be easily moved or replaced
  • Built-in: Seamlessly installed within kitchen cabinetry
  • Portable: Flexible option that can be stored when not in use
  • Industrial: Large-capacity dishwasher for extensive cleaning needs
infoKitchen dishwasher install year
Kitchen dishwasher install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Shows the year when the current kitchen dishwasher was first put in place.

The installation year helps potential buyers understand the dishwasher's age and condition. Most dishwashers have a typical lifespan of 7-12 years, and knowing the installation year can indicate whether the appliance may need replacement or repairs soon.

infoKitchen fridge type
Kitchen fridge type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type and installation method of the kitchen refrigerator.

The refrigerator type affects kitchen design, space utilization, and overall aesthetic. Different configurations suit various kitchen layouts and household needs.

  • Not applicable: No refrigerator in the kitchen
  • Freestanding: Standalone unit that can be easily replaced or repositioned
  • Built-in: Seamlessly installed within kitchen cabinetry for a custom look
  • Industrial: Large, high-capacity refrigerator for extensive storage needs
infoKitchen fridge install year
Kitchen fridge install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Shows the year when the current kitchen refrigerator was first put in place.

The installation year helps potential buyers understand the refrigerator's age and condition. Most refrigerators have a typical lifespan of 10-15 years, and knowing the installation year can indicate whether the appliance may need replacement or repairs soon.

infoKitchen microwave type
Kitchen microwave type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type and installation method of the kitchen microwave.

The microwave type affects kitchen design, counter space, and cooking convenience. Different configurations suit various kitchen layouts and household needs.

  • None: No microwave in the kitchen
  • Over-the-range: Saves counter space by combining microwave and range hood
  • Freestanding: Flexible placement, easy to move or replace
  • Built-in: Seamlessly integrated into kitchen design for a clean look
infoKitchen microwave install year
Kitchen microwave install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the kitchen microwave was installed.

Knowing the installation year helps estimate the appliance's age and remaining lifespan, which may influence home value assessments and future replacement planning.

Newer microwaves typically offer improved energy efficiency, additional features, and may impact the overall kitchen assessment.

infoKitchen stove type
Kitchen stove type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type and installation method of the kitchen stove/range.

The stove type significantly impacts kitchen functionality, design aesthetic, and cooking capabilities. Different configurations offer varying levels of performance and integration with the overall kitchen design.

  • None: No stove in the kitchen
  • Freestanding: Traditional range that can be placed between cabinets or stand alone
  • Built-in: Seamlessly integrated into cabinetry for a custom, high-end appearance
  • Industrial: Professional-grade equipment offering enhanced power and specialized cooking functions
infoKitchen stove install year
Kitchen stove install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the kitchen stove/range was installed.

Knowing the installation year helps estimate the appliance's age and remaining lifespan. Newer stoves typically offer improved safety features, better energy efficiency, and enhanced cooking performance.

The age of major kitchen appliances like stoves can influence home value assessments and may factor into future renovation planning.

infoKitchen countertop material
Kitchen countertop material
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type of material used for the kitchen countertop.

The countertop material affects the kitchen's appearance, functionality, durability, and maintenance requirements.

  • Quartz: Engineered stone, durable and easy to clean
  • Granite: Natural stone with unique, elegant patterns
  • Marble: Luxurious stone with distinctive veining
  • Slate: Natural stone with rustic, matte appearance
  • Onyx: Rare, visually striking stone with dramatic colors
  • Concrete: Modern, customizable material with industrial look
  • Steel: Professional-grade, hygienic surface
  • Laminate: Budget-friendly with many design options
  • Solid Surface: Seamless, non-porous synthetic material
  • Butcher Block: Wooden surface great for food prep
  • Soapstone: Soft, dense natural stone with unique texture
  • Wood: Warm, natural material requiring more care
  • Lava: Rare stone with unique glazed finish
infoKitchen stove heat type
Kitchen stove heat type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The type of cooking technology used in the kitchen's stove or cooktop.

This indicates whether the cooking appliance uses electric elements, gas burners, or induction technology, which can affect both cooking experience and utility requirements.

  • Electric: Traditional electric elements
  • Gas: Natural gas or propane burners
  • Induction: Modern electromagnetic technology
  • Not applicable: No stove or information unavailable


Laundry in a property refers to the washing and drying machines in a property. They can be private or shared. Shared laundry facilities are available to all residents in a common area.

infoLaundry appliance brand
Laundry appliance brand
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The manufacturer brand of the laundry appliance (washer or dryer).

Appliance brands can indicate quality level, expected reliability, and typical feature sets. Premium brands often offer advanced features, better energy efficiency, and potentially longer lifespans.

Brand information helps assess the overall quality of laundry facilities and can factor into property value considerations, especially in markets where high-end appliances are expected.

infoLaundry appliance finish
Laundry appliance finish
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The exterior finish material and color of the laundry appliance.

Appliance finishes contribute to the visual appeal and design cohesion of the laundry area. Premium finishes like stainless steel or black stainless steel often command higher market value and indicate newer appliances.

  • Not applicable: No appliance present or finish cannot be determined
  • Stainless steel: Classic metallic finish popular in modern homes
  • Black stainless steel: Premium dark metallic finish resistant to fingerprints
  • Black: Sleek solid black exterior
  • White: Classic and versatile white finish
  • Gray: Neutral gray or silver exterior
  • Red: Bold designer color option
  • Blue: Distinctive color choice for specialty appliances
  • Yellow: Bright accent color for designer laundry spaces
  • Green: Unique color option for specialty brands
  • Mixed: Combination of multiple colors or materials
Stainless steel
infoLaundry dryer type
Laundry dryer type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The installation configuration and placement type of the laundry dryer.

The dryer configuration affects laundry room functionality, space efficiency, and design options. Different setups offer varying benefits depending on available space and household laundry needs.

  • None: No dryer installed in the property
  • Freestanding: Traditional standalone unit that can be placed side-by-side with a washer
  • Stacked: Space-saving vertical configuration where dryer and washer are integrated in a single column
infoLaundry dryer install year
Laundry dryer install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the laundry dryer was installed.

Knowing the installation year helps estimate the appliance's age and remaining lifespan. Newer dryers typically offer improved safety features, better energy efficiency, and enhanced performance.

The age of laundry appliances can influence home value assessments and may factor into future renovation planning. Most residential dryers have an expected lifespan of 10-13 years.

infoLaundry washer type
Laundry washer type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The installation configuration and placement type of the laundry washer.

The washer configuration affects laundry room functionality, space efficiency, and laundering capacity. Different setups offer varying benefits depending on available space and household needs.

  • None: No washer installed in the property
  • Freestanding: Traditional standalone unit that can be placed side-by-side with a dryer
  • Stacked: Space-saving vertical configuration where washer and dryer are integrated in a single column
  • Portable: Compact unit that can be moved as needed and connects to standard sink faucets, ideal for small spaces without dedicated laundry hookups
infoLaundry washer install year
Laundry washer install year
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the laundry washer was installed.

Knowing the installation year helps estimate the appliance's age and remaining lifespan. Newer washers typically offer improved water efficiency, better energy ratings, and enhanced features like smart connectivity.

The age of laundry appliances can influence home value assessments and may factor into future renovation planning. Most residential washers have an expected lifespan of 10-12 years.


Shared facilities

Shared facilities refer to areas, equipment or services that are available to residents or owners of a property, such as a condominium or apartment building. These may include things like swimming pools, fitness centers, community rooms, playgrounds, parking lots, and other common areas.

infoShared indoor gym
Shared indoor gym
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A fitness area within the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a gym space that is not privately owned by an individual resident, and is available to all residents.

  • Gym space shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal fitness facility
  • Shared workout equipment
infoShared indoor hot tub
Shared indoor hot tub
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A hot tub located inside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal hot tub space that is not privately owned.

  • Hot tub shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common indoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal relaxation facility
  • Shared wellness amenity
infoShared indoor sauna
Shared indoor sauna
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A sauna located inside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal sauna space that is not privately owned.

  • Sauna shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common indoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal wellness facility
  • Shared relaxation amenity
infoShared indoor swimming pool
Shared indoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A swimming pool located inside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal pool space that is not privately owned.

  • Pool shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common indoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal swimming facility
  • Shared aquatic recreation amenity
infoShared indoor workshop
Shared indoor workshop
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A workshop located inside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal workspace that is not privately owned.

  • Workshop shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common indoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal project and work space
  • Shared creative facility
infoHas shared laundry room
Has shared laundry room
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates whether the property has access to a shared laundry facility.

Shared laundry rooms provide washing and drying facilities that are used communally by multiple residents. These are typically found in apartment buildings, condominiums, co-ops, and some townhouse communities.

While not as convenient as in-unit laundry, access to a shared facility eliminates the need to travel to off-site laundromats. Shared laundry rooms typically operate on a pay-per-use basis or may be included in association fees or rent.

infoShared outdoor gym
Shared outdoor gym
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A gym area located outside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal outdoor fitness space that is not privately owned.

  • Gym shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common outdoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal outdoor fitness facility
  • Shared open-air exercise space
infoShared outdoor hot tub
Shared outdoor hot tub
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A hot tub located outside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal outdoor spa that is not privately owned.

  • Hot tub shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common outdoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal outdoor relaxation facility
  • Shared wellness amenity
infoShared outdoor sauna
Shared outdoor sauna
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A sauna located outside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal outdoor wellness space that is not privately owned.

  • Sauna shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common outdoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal outdoor wellness facility
  • Shared heat therapy amenity
infoShared outdoor swimming pool
Shared outdoor swimming pool
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

A swimming pool located outside the property that is shared by multiple residents.

This indicates a communal outdoor pool that is not privately owned.

  • Pool shared by multiple people
  • Located in a common outdoor area
  • Accessible to all residents
  • Communal outdoor swimming facility
  • Shared aquatic recreation amenity


Condo or HOA fees refer to the monthly or yearly payments made by the owners of a condominium or a property that is part of a homeowners' association (HOA) to cover the costs of shared expenses and maintenance of the property and its common areas, such as elevators, hallways, swimming pools, and landscaping.

infoMaintenance fee
Maintenance fee
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The regular payment required for shared services and maintenance of common areas.

This fee covers collective expenses such as building upkeep, amenities, landscaping, and other services managed by the homeowners association or condo corporation.

infoMaintenance fee includes electric
Maintenance fee includes electric
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if electricity costs are included in the maintenance or HOA fee.

This specifies if the owner's recurring HOA or condo fees include electrical utility services or if these are billed separately to the property owner.

infoMaintenance fee includes heat
Maintenance fee includes heat
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if heating costs are included in the maintenance or HOA fee.

This specifies if the owner's recurring HOA or condo fees include heating utility services or if these are billed separately to the property owner.

infoMaintenance fee includes water
Maintenance fee includes water
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if water costs are included in the maintenance or HOA fee.

This specifies if the owner's recurring HOA or condo fees include water services or if these are billed separately to the property owner.

infoProperty taxes
Property taxes
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The yearly property tax amount for this home.

Property taxes fund local services and infrastructure. This figure represents the current annual tax amount, which may change with future assessments or tax rate adjustments.


Renovations are any improvements, repairs, or changes made to a real estate property with the intention of updating or enhancing its functionality, appearance, or value.

infoKitchen year last renovated
Kitchen year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the kitchen was most recently updated or remodeled.

This date indicates when the kitchen last underwent substantial improvements beyond routine maintenance, such as cabinet replacement, appliance upgrades, or layout modifications.

infoBathroom year last renovated
Bathroom year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the bathrooms were most recently updated or remodeled.

This date indicates when the bathrooms last underwent substantial improvements beyond routine maintenance, such as fixture replacement, tile work, or layout modifications.

infoBedroom year last renovated
Bedroom year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the bedrooms were most recently updated or remodeled.

This date indicates when the bedrooms last underwent substantial improvements beyond routine maintenance, such as flooring replacement, paint work, or layout modifications.

infoLiving room year last renovated
Living room year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the living room was most recently updated or remodeled.

This indicates when the last major living room improvements were made, helping assess how modern this central gathering space is.

infoBasement year last renovated
Basement year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the basement was most recently updated or remodeled.

This indicates when the last major basement improvements were made, helping assess the condition and modernity of this below-ground space.

infoExterior year last renovated
Exterior year last renovated
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The year when the property's exterior was most recently updated or renovated.

This indicates when the last major exterior improvements were made, helping assess the condition and appearance of the building's outer surfaces.



Parking refers to a designated space, area, or structure for the temporary or permanent storage of a vehicle on a real estate property. Parking can be provided in different ways, such as private or shared garages, driveways or parking lots.

infoGarage parking spaces
Garage parking spaces
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of vehicles that can fit in the property's main garage.

This count shows how many cars can be parked inside the primary enclosed garage structure on the property.

infoGarage parking space (second)
Garage parking space (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of vehicles that can fit in the property's main garage.

This count shows how many cars can be parked inside the primary enclosed garage structure on the property.

infoHas RV parking
Has RV parking
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates whether the property has space to park a recreational vehicle (RV).

RV parking is a valuable feature for owners of motorhomes, campers, trailers, or boats who prefer to keep these vehicles on their property. Proper RV parking typically requires wider or longer driveways, dedicated pads, or side yard access with sufficient clearance height and length.

Having on-site RV parking can save owners hundreds of dollars annually in storage fees and provides convenient access for trip preparation and maintenance. Note that even when physical space exists, local ordinances or homeowner association rules may restrict RV parking or require screening from street view.

infoParking lot parking spaces
Parking lot parking spaces
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of assigned parking spaces for this property in a shared parking lot.

This count represents how many vehicles from this property can park in the common outdoor parking area of the development.

infoParking lot parking space legal type
Parking lot parking space legal type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The legal status of your designated parking spaces in the shared parking lot.

This indicates your legal rights to the parking space and how secure your claim to it is.

  • Not applicable: No parking lot spaces or not categorized
  • Titled: You legally own the specific parking space with documentation
  • Exclusive use: Space is legally reserved for your sole use
  • Assigned: Space is allocated to you but without ownership rights
Not applicable
infoDriveway parking spaces
Driveway parking spaces
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of vehicles that can be accommodated in the property's driveway.

This count represents how many cars can park in the outdoor driveway area, separate from garage or street parking options.

infoCarport parking spaces
Carport parking spaces
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of vehicles that can be accommodated in the property's carport.

This count represents how many cars can park under the covered, open-sided shelter designed to protect vehicles from weather while remaining partially open.


Private garages

A private garage is a garage that is only accessible to the owner of the property. It is not shared with other owners or tenants.

infoGarage type
Garage type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Describes how the main garage relates to the house structure.

  • None: Property does not have a garage
  • Attached: Garage is connected to and shares at least one wall with the main house
  • Detached: Garage is a separate building from the main house, typically found elsewhere on the property
  • Parking garage: Multi-level or shared parking structure, common in condominiums or urban settings
infoGarage 240v
Garage 240v
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the main garage has access to 240-volt electrical power.

This higher voltage electrical service enables electric vehicle charging and the operation of power-intensive equipment or tools.

infoGarage tandem
Garage tandem
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's garage has tandem parking spaces.

In tandem parking, cars are parked in a line (one behind the other), meaning you need to move the front car to access the car parked behind it.

infoGarage floor above ground
Garage floor above ground
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of floors or levels above ground in the main garage.

This count indicates how many stories the primary garage has, not including any basement or below-ground portions.

infoGarage floor below ground
Garage floor below ground
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of floors or levels below ground in the main garage.

This count indicates how many underground stories the primary garage has, such as basement parking levels.

infoGarage heating type
Garage heating type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary method used to heat the property's garage and keep it warm.

This indicates how heat is generated and distributed throughout the garages.

  • None: No heating system is installed
  • Heat pump: Transfers heat between indoors and outdoors
  • Gas furnace: Uses natural gas to produce warm air
  • Electric furnace: Uses electricity to generate warm air
  • In-floor: Heating elements under floors that warm from below
  • Radiant: Directly warms people and objects rather than air
  • Hot water: Circulates heated water through pipes or radiators
  • Electric: General electric heating solutions
  • Geothermal: Uses earth's constant underground temperature
infoGarage parking spaces
Garage parking spaces
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of vehicles that can fit in the property's main garage.

This count shows how many cars can be parked inside the primary enclosed garage structure on the property.

infoGarage type (second)
Garage type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Describes how the main garage relates to the house structure.

  • None: Property does not have a garage
  • Attached: Garage is connected to and shares at least one wall with the main house
  • Detached: Garage is a separate building from the main house, typically found elsewhere on the property
  • Parking garage: Multi-level or shared parking structure, common in condominiums or urban settings
infoGarage 240v (second)
Garage 240v (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the secondary garage has access to 240-volt electrical power.

This higher voltage electrical service enables electric vehicle charging and the operation of power-intensive equipment or tools.

infoGarage tandem (second)
Garage tandem (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's garage has tandem parking spaces.

In tandem parking, cars are parked in a line (one behind the other), meaning you need to move the front car to access the car parked behind it.

infoGarage floor above ground (second)
Garage floor above ground (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of floors or levels above ground in the main garage.

This count indicates how many stories the primary garage has, not including any basement or below-ground portions.

infoGarage floor below ground (second)
Garage floor below ground (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of floors or levels below ground in the main garage.

This count indicates how many underground stories the primary garage has, such as basement parking levels.

infoGarage heating type (second)
Garage heating type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The primary method used to heat the property's garage and keep it warm.

This indicates how heat is generated and distributed throughout the garages.

  • None: No heating system is installed
  • Heat pump: Transfers heat between indoors and outdoors
  • Gas furnace: Uses natural gas to produce warm air
  • Electric furnace: Uses electricity to generate warm air
  • In-floor: Heating elements under floors that warm from below
  • Radiant: Directly warms people and objects rather than air
  • Hot water: Circulates heated water through pipes or radiators
  • Electric: General electric heating solutions
  • Geothermal: Uses earth's constant underground temperature
infoGarage parking space (second)
Garage parking space (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The number of vehicles that can fit in the property's main garage.

This count shows how many cars can be parked inside the primary enclosed garage structure on the property.


Shared garages

A shared garage is a garage that is shared with other owners or tenants. It is not accessible to the owner of the property only.

infoShared garage 240v
Shared garage 240v
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the shared garage has 240-volt electric outlets.

240-volt outlets provide high-power electrical service necessary for electric vehicle charging stations and heavy-duty equipment. This is an important feature for electric vehicle owners.

infoShared garage floor above ground
Shared garage floor above ground
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates how many floors or stories the shared garage has above ground level.

This count shows the number of levels in the shared parking structure that are built above grade, not including any underground parking levels. Multi-level garages typically offer more parking spaces and may include different access points for each level.

infoShared garage floor below ground
Shared garage floor below ground
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates how many underground floors the shared garage has.

This count shows the number of subterranean levels in the shared parking structure. Underground garage levels are typically accessed by ramps and offer protected parking spaces sheltered from weather elements. More underground levels often indicate greater parking capacity in high-density areas.

No value
infoShared garage heating type
Shared garage heating type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what type of heating system is used in the shared garage.

A heated garage can prevent freezing temperatures, protect vehicles, and provide more comfortable access during winter months.

  • None: No heating system is installed
  • Heat pump: Transfers heat between indoors and outdoors
  • Gas furnace: Uses natural gas to produce warm air
  • Electric furnace: Uses electricity to generate warm air
  • In-floor: Heating elements under floors that warm from below
  • Radiant: Directly warms people and objects rather than air
  • Hot water: Circulates heated water through pipes or radiators
  • Electric: General electric heating solutions
  • Geothermal: Uses earth's constant underground temperature
infoShared garage parking spaces
Shared garage parking spaces
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property has a designated parking space in a garage shared with other residents.

This shows whether your first parking allocation is within a communal garage rather than in a private, individual garage.

infoShared garage legal type
Shared garage legal type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The legal status of your first designated parking space in the shared garage.

This indicates your legal rights to the parking space and defines the nature of your claim to it.

  • Not applicable: No shared garage spaces or not categorized
  • Titled: You legally own the specific parking space with documentation
  • Exclusive use: Space is legally reserved for your sole use
  • Assigned: Space is allocated to you but without ownership rights
infoShared garage tandem
Shared garage tandem
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's first parking space in a shared garage has a tandem arrangement.

This shows whether your parking space requires vehicles to be parked one behind another, where the front vehicle must be moved to access the rear one.

infoShared garage type
Shared garage type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The type and location of the main shared garage relative to the residential building.

This indicates how the communal parking area is structured and positioned in relation to the living spaces.

  • None: No shared garage is available
  • Attached: Communal garage connected to the main building
  • Detached: Separate shared garage structure on the property
  • Parking garage: Multi-level shared parking structure
Parking garage
infoShared garage 240v (second)
Shared garage 240v (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the shared garage has 240-volt electric outlets.

240-volt outlets provide high-power electrical service necessary for electric vehicle charging stations and heavy-duty equipment. This is an important feature for electric vehicle owners.

infoShared garage floor above ground (second)
Shared garage floor above ground (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates how many floors or stories the shared garage has above ground level.

This count shows the number of levels in the shared parking structure that are built above grade, not including any underground parking levels. Multi-level garages typically offer more parking spaces and may include different access points for each level.

No value
infoShared garage floor below ground (second)
Shared garage floor below ground (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates how many underground floors the shared garage has.

This count shows the number of subterranean levels in the shared parking structure. Underground garage levels are typically accessed by ramps and offer protected parking spaces sheltered from weather elements. More underground levels often indicate greater parking capacity in high-density areas.

No value
infoShared garage heating type (second)
Shared garage heating type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what type of heating system is used in the shared garage.

A heated garage can prevent freezing temperatures, protect vehicles, and provide more comfortable access during winter months.

  • None: No heating system is installed
  • Heat pump: Transfers heat between indoors and outdoors
  • Gas furnace: Uses natural gas to produce warm air
  • Electric furnace: Uses electricity to generate warm air
  • In-floor: Heating elements under floors that warm from below
  • Radiant: Directly warms people and objects rather than air
  • Hot water: Circulates heated water through pipes or radiators
  • Electric: General electric heating solutions
  • Geothermal: Uses earth's constant underground temperature
infoShared garage parking space (second)
Shared garage parking space (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property has a designated parking space in a garage shared with other residents.

This shows whether your first parking allocation is within a communal garage rather than in a private, individual garage.

No value
infoShared garage legal type (second)
Shared garage legal type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The legal status of your first designated parking space in the shared garage.

This indicates your legal rights to the parking space and defines the nature of your claim to it.

  • Not applicable: No shared garage spaces or not categorized
  • Titled: You legally own the specific parking space with documentation
  • Exclusive use: Space is legally reserved for your sole use
  • Assigned: Space is allocated to you but without ownership rights
Not applicable
infoShared garage tandem (second)
Shared garage tandem (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's first parking space in a shared garage has a tandem arrangement.

This shows whether your parking space requires vehicles to be parked one behind another, where the front vehicle must be moved to access the rear one.

infoShared garage type (second)
Shared garage type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The type and location of the main shared garage relative to the residential building.

This indicates how the communal parking area is structured and positioned in relation to the living spaces.

  • None: No shared garage is available
  • Attached: Communal garage connected to the main building
  • Detached: Separate shared garage structure on the property
  • Parking garage: Multi-level shared parking structure


Outbuildings are additional structures that are located on a property but are not attached to the main dwelling. These can include buildings such as sheds, garages, barns, and workshops, and are often used for storage, parking, or other non-residential purposes.

infoOutbuilding type
Outbuilding type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what kind of additional building is present on the property.

Outbuildings provide extra space for storage, recreation, or specialized functions separate from the main house.

  • None: No outbuilding present on the property
  • Shed: Small storage structure for tools, equipment, or garden supplies
  • Quonset: Arched, semi-cylindrical building often used for storage or workshops
  • Barn: Large structure traditionally used for farming but may be converted for other uses
  • Greenhouse: Protected environment for growing plants year-round
  • Tennis court: Private court for playing tennis
  • Basketball court: Dedicated area for playing basketball
  • Pumphouse: Structure containing water pumps, often for wells or irrigation
  • Metal building: Durable, low-maintenance building made primarily of metal
  • Wood building: Structure constructed primarily of wood materials
infoOutbuilding type (second)
Outbuilding type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what kind of additional building is present on the property.

Outbuildings provide extra space for storage, recreation, or specialized functions separate from the main house.

  • None: No outbuilding present on the property
  • Shed: Small storage structure for tools, equipment, or garden supplies
  • Quonset: Arched, semi-cylindrical building often used for storage or workshops
  • Barn: Large structure traditionally used for farming but may be converted for other uses
  • Greenhouse: Protected environment for growing plants year-round
  • Tennis court: Private court for playing tennis
  • Basketball court: Dedicated area for playing basketball
  • Pumphouse: Structure containing water pumps, often for wells or irrigation
  • Metal building: Durable, low-maintenance building made primarily of metal
  • Wood building: Structure constructed primarily of wood materials
infoOutbuilding type (third)
Outbuilding type (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what kind of additional building is present on the property.

Outbuildings provide extra space for storage, recreation, or specialized functions separate from the main house.

  • None: No outbuilding present on the property
  • Shed: Small storage structure for tools, equipment, or garden supplies
  • Quonset: Arched, semi-cylindrical building often used for storage or workshops
  • Barn: Large structure traditionally used for farming but may be converted for other uses
  • Greenhouse: Protected environment for growing plants year-round
  • Tennis court: Private court for playing tennis
  • Basketball court: Dedicated area for playing basketball
  • Pumphouse: Structure containing water pumps, often for wells or irrigation
  • Metal building: Durable, low-maintenance building made primarily of metal
  • Wood building: Structure constructed primarily of wood materials
infoOutbuilding type (fourth)
Outbuilding type (fourth)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what kind of additional building is present on the property.

Outbuildings provide extra space for storage, recreation, or specialized functions separate from the main house.

  • None: No outbuilding present on the property
  • Shed: Small storage structure for tools, equipment, or garden supplies
  • Quonset: Arched, semi-cylindrical building often used for storage or workshops
  • Barn: Large structure traditionally used for farming but may be converted for other uses
  • Greenhouse: Protected environment for growing plants year-round
  • Tennis court: Private court for playing tennis
  • Basketball court: Dedicated area for playing basketball
  • Pumphouse: Structure containing water pumps, often for wells or irrigation
  • Metal building: Durable, low-maintenance building made primarily of metal
  • Wood building: Structure constructed primarily of wood materials
infoOutbuilding type (fifth)
Outbuilding type (fifth)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what kind of additional building is present on the property.

Outbuildings provide extra space for storage, recreation, or specialized functions separate from the main house.

  • None: No outbuilding present on the property
  • Shed: Small storage structure for tools, equipment, or garden supplies
  • Quonset: Arched, semi-cylindrical building often used for storage or workshops
  • Barn: Large structure traditionally used for farming but may be converted for other uses
  • Greenhouse: Protected environment for growing plants year-round
  • Tennis court: Private court for playing tennis
  • Basketball court: Dedicated area for playing basketball
  • Pumphouse: Structure containing water pumps, often for wells or irrigation
  • Metal building: Durable, low-maintenance building made primarily of metal
  • Wood building: Structure constructed primarily of wood materials


Condition refers to the overall state of the property, including its physical state and any necessary repairs or upgrades. It is a measure of the property's quality and readiness for use.

infoIs condemned
Is condemned
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property has been officially declared condemned by local authorities.

A condemned property has been deemed unsafe for habitation due to serious structural problems, health hazards, or building code violations. Properties with this designation typically cannot be legally occupied until specified repairs or improvements are made and approved by relevant authorities.

infoNeed ceiling repair
Need ceiling repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Need ceiling repair

infoNeed cooling repair
Need cooling repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the ceiling needs repairs.

This field highlights whether the property's ceiling shows signs of damage such as water stains, cracks, sagging sections, or other issues that require attention. Ceiling repairs may range from minor cosmetic fixes to more significant structural work depending on the extent and cause of the damage.

infoNeed drywall repair
Need drywall repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's drywall needs repairs.

This field highlights whether interior walls show damage such as holes, cracks, moisture damage, or other issues requiring attention. Drywall repairs may involve patching, replacing sections, or refinishing surfaces to restore proper appearance and function.

infoNeed electrical repair
Need electrical repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's electrical system needs repairs.

This field highlights whether the electrical components show problems such as outdated wiring, malfunctioning outlets, insufficient service capacity, exposed wires, or other safety concerns. Electrical repairs often require professional attention and may be necessary to ensure the property meets safety codes and functions properly.

infoNeed floor repair
Need floor repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's floors need repairs.

This field highlights whether flooring shows problems such as damaged wood, cracked tiles, torn vinyl, water damage, sagging areas, or excessive wear. Floor repairs may range from simple refinishing to structural subfloor work depending on the extent and type of damage.

infoNeed foundation repair
Need foundation repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's foundation needs repairs.

This field highlights whether the foundation shows signs of problems such as significant cracks, settling, water damage, or structural movement. Foundation issues are typically among the most serious and costly repairs for a property, as they affect the building's structural integrity and can lead to additional problems throughout the structure if left unaddressed.

infoNeed heating repair
Need heating repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's heating system needs repairs.

This field highlights whether the heating equipment shows problems such as inadequate heat output, unusual noises, inefficient operation, or complete failure. Heating system repairs are important for maintaining comfortable living conditions, energy efficiency, and in colder climates, preventing freezing pipes and related damage.

infoNeed mold repair
Need mold repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property has mold issues that need to be addressed.

This field highlights whether there is visible mold growth or conditions that have led to mold development. Mold remediation often involves identifying and addressing the underlying moisture sources, removing affected materials, and cleaning or treating surfaces. Mold issues are important to address due to potential health impacts and the risk of structural damage if left untreated.

infoNeed paint repair
Need paint repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's painted surfaces need repair or repainting.

This field highlights whether interior or exterior paint shows problems such as peeling, chipping, cracking, fading, or staining. Paint repairs are typically considered cosmetic improvements but can also protect surfaces from moisture damage and extend the life of siding, trim, and other building components.

infoNeed plumbing repair
Need plumbing repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's plumbing system needs repairs.

This field highlights whether the plumbing shows problems such as leaking pipes, dripping fixtures, clogged drains, water pressure issues, or other malfunctions. Plumbing repairs are important to address promptly as they can lead to water damage, mold growth, and increased water bills if left unresolved.

infoNeed roof repair
Need roof repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's roof needs repairs.

This field highlights whether the roof shows problems such as missing or damaged shingles, leaks, sagging areas, or deteriorated flashing. Roof repairs are crucial for preventing water intrusion that can lead to significant interior damage, mold issues, and structural problems if left unaddressed.

infoNeed window repair
Need window repair
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the property's windows need repairs.

This field highlights whether windows show problems such as broken glass, damaged frames, fogging between panes, operational issues, or air leakage. Window repairs are important for maintaining energy efficiency, security, weather protection, and overall comfort in the home.


Secondary suite(s)

A secondary suite refers to a self-contained living unit, which is separate from the main living quarters and includes its own bathroom, kitchen, and entrance.

infoSecondary suite type
Secondary suite type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what kind of additional living space exists on the property.

Secondary suites are self-contained living spaces with their own entrance, kitchen, bathroom, and living area, separate from the main residence.

  • None: Property does not have a secondary suite
  • Main floor suite: Additional living space located on the main level of the home
  • Basement suite: Separate living quarters located in the basement
  • Garage suite: Living space built above or within a garage structure
  • Backyard suite: Standalone dwelling unit in the yard, separate from the main house (also known as a garden suite, laneway house, or accessory dwelling unit)
infoSecondary suite seperate entrance
Secondary suite seperate entrance
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the secondary suite has its own private entrance.

A separate entrance allows tenants or occupants of the secondary suite to come and go independently without passing through the main living areas. This feature provides greater privacy for both the main home residents and suite occupants, and is often required by municipal regulations for legal secondary suites.

infoSecondary suite has own laundry
Secondary suite has own laundry
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the secondary suite has its own washer and dryer or laundry hookups.

Private laundry facilities allow suite occupants to do laundry without sharing with the main residence. This amenity increases independence and convenience for tenants or family members living in the suite, and can be a valuable feature for rental properties.

infoSecondary suite type (second)
Secondary suite type (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what kind of additional living space exists on the property.

Secondary suites are self-contained living spaces with their own entrance, kitchen, bathroom, and living area, separate from the main residence.

  • None: Property does not have a secondary suite
  • Main floor suite: Additional living space located on the main level of the home
  • Basement suite: Separate living quarters located in the basement
  • Garage suite: Living space built above or within a garage structure
  • Backyard suite: Standalone dwelling unit in the yard, separate from the main house (also known as a garden suite, laneway house, or accessory dwelling unit)
infoSecondary suite seperate entrance (second)
Secondary suite seperate entrance (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the secondary suite has its own private entrance.

A separate entrance allows tenants or occupants of the secondary suite to come and go independently without passing through the main living areas. This feature provides greater privacy for both the main home residents and suite occupants, and is often required by municipal regulations for legal secondary suites.

infoSecondary suite has own laundry (second)
Secondary suite has own laundry (second)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the secondary suite has its own washer and dryer or laundry hookups.

Private laundry facilities allow suite occupants to do laundry without sharing with the main residence. This amenity increases independence and convenience for tenants or family members living in the suite, and can be a valuable feature for rental properties.

infoSecondary suite type (third)
Secondary suite type (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what kind of additional living space exists on the property.

Secondary suites are self-contained living spaces with their own entrance, kitchen, bathroom, and living area, separate from the main residence.

  • None: Property does not have a secondary suite
  • Main floor suite: Additional living space located on the main level of the home
  • Basement suite: Separate living quarters located in the basement
  • Garage suite: Living space built above or within a garage structure
  • Backyard suite: Standalone dwelling unit in the yard, separate from the main house (also known as a garden suite, laneway house, or accessory dwelling unit)
infoSecondary suite seperate entrance (third)
Secondary suite seperate entrance (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the secondary suite has its own private entrance.

A separate entrance allows tenants or occupants of the secondary suite to come and go independently without passing through the main living areas. This feature provides greater privacy for both the main home residents and suite occupants, and is often required by municipal regulations for legal secondary suites.

infoSecondary suite has own laundry (third)
Secondary suite has own laundry (third)
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates if the secondary suite has its own washer and dryer or laundry hookups.

Private laundry facilities allow suite occupants to do laundry without sharing with the main residence. This amenity increases independence and convenience for tenants or family members living in the suite, and can be a valuable feature for rental properties.



Utilities are essential services, such as electricity, gas, water, and sewer, that are necessary for a property to function properly.

infoInternet provider
Internet provider
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what type of internet service is available at the property.

Different internet connection types offer varying speeds, reliability, and coverage options.

  • None: Property does not have internet service available
  • Municipal: Internet provided by a local government-operated network, often fiber-optic
  • Satellite: Internet delivered through satellite dishes, available in remote areas but may have higher latency
  • Cellular: Internet accessed through the same networks as mobile phones, using cellular towers
infoElectricity provider
Electricity provider
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the primary source of electricity for the property.

The electricity source can impact utility costs, reliability, and environmental footprint of the property.

  • Municipal: Connected to the public power grid operated by local utilities
  • Solar: Powered by solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity
  • Wind: Electricity generated by wind turbines on the property
  • Hydro: Power produced by water-based generation systems
  • Geothermal: Electricity derived from geothermal heat energy
  • Generator: Power supplied by fuel-powered generators as primary source
infoGas provider
Gas provider
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates how gas is supplied to the property for heating, cooking, or other uses.

The type of gas supply affects utility costs, maintenance requirements, and available appliance options.

  • None: Property does not have gas service
  • Municipal: Connected to public gas utility lines with continuous supply
  • Propane tank: Uses refillable propane tanks located on the property
  • Natural gas tank: Uses on-site natural gas storage tanks that require periodic refilling
infoWater provider
Water provider
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates how water is supplied to the property for drinking, cleaning, and other uses.

The type of water supply affects water quality, maintenance requirements, and ongoing utility costs.

  • None: Property does not have a water supply system
  • Municipal: Connected to public water utility with continuous water service
  • Well: Uses groundwater pumped from an on-site well, requiring regular testing and maintenance
  • Cistern: Relies on stored water collected from rainwater or other sources, which may require filtration and regular monitoring
infoEstimate monthly electrical cost
Estimate monthly electrical cost
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

An approximate monthly electricity bill for the property.

This estimate helps potential buyers or renters understand the typical ongoing electrical costs. The actual expense can vary based on factors like home size, energy efficiency, number of occupants, and seasonal energy consumption patterns.

infoEstimate monthly heat cost
Estimate monthly heat cost
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

An approximate monthly heating bill for the property.

This estimate helps potential buyers or renters understand the typical ongoing heating costs. The actual expense can vary based on factors like home size, heating system type, insulation quality, local climate, and energy prices.

infoEstimate monthly water cost
Estimate monthly water cost
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

An approximate monthly water bill for the property.

This estimate helps potential buyers or renters understand the typical ongoing water utility costs. The actual expense can vary based on factors like household size, water usage habits, irrigation needs, and local water pricing.



Land (or 'lot') generally refers to the area of the property that is not covered by a building or structure, including any surrounding yard or outdoor space.

infoLand area
Land area
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The total land area of the property measured in square feet.

This measurement represents the complete land parcel associated with the property, including the area occupied by buildings, outdoor spaces, and any other land within the property boundaries.

Lot size is a key factor in determining property value and potential uses. Larger lots typically offer more outdoor living space, greater privacy, and additional development options subject to local zoning regulations.

5997 sq ft
infoLand depth
Land depth
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The depth measurement of the land parcel in feet, measured from the front property line to the rear property line.

This measurement represents how far back the property extends from the street or front boundary. For irregularly shaped lots, this may represent an average or maximum depth.

Lot depth affects the layout possibilities for buildings and outdoor spaces. Deeper lots typically offer more privacy for rear yards, greater separation from street noise, and more flexibility for landscaping or outdoor amenities.

122 ft
infoLand frontage
Land frontage
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The width measurement of the land parcel in feet, measured along the front property line facing the street or access road.

Frontage represents how wide your property is at the street side. This measurement determines your property's 'curb appeal' area and street accessibility.

Wider frontages typically allow for more architectural options for home placement, larger or multiple driveways, and greater flexibility in landscaping the front yard. Local zoning regulations often specify minimum frontage requirements for building permits and property divisions.

48 ft
infoBacks onto
Backs onto
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what type of feature or environment is located directly behind the property.

What a property backs onto can significantly impact privacy, noise levels, views, and overall enjoyment of outdoor spaces. This feature often influences property value and can be a key consideration for many buyers.

  • Street: Rear of property faces a public road, which may offer secondary access but potentially more noise
  • Alley: Rear of property faces a service lane, providing potential rear access but limited views
  • Greenspace: Rear of property faces natural areas like parks or forests, offering enhanced privacy and scenic views
  • Golf course: Rear of property faces a golf course, providing open vistas and recreational proximity
  • Water: Rear of property faces a water feature such as a lake, river, or ocean, often commanding premium value
infoFronts onto
Fronts onto
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates what type of feature or environment is located directly in front of the property.

What a property fronts onto affects its accessibility, curb appeal, and primary views from the home. This feature influences the property's street presence and can significantly impact its character and value.

  • Street: Traditional street frontage with standard vehicle and pedestrian access
  • Alley: Front of property faces a narrow service lane, offering a more private approach but potentially limited access
  • Greenspace: Front of property faces a park or natural area, providing scenic views and a buffer from traffic
  • Golf course: Front of property faces a golf course, offering open vistas and a distinct setting
  • Water: Front of property faces a water feature, creating a unique waterfront setting with potential for water views and access
infoIrrigation system type
Irrigation system type
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates the type of system installed for watering the property's landscape.

Irrigation systems help maintain healthy landscaping while potentially conserving water and reducing maintenance time. The type of system affects water usage efficiency, operating costs, and lawn/garden health.

Modern irrigation systems range from basic manual setups to sophisticated automated systems with smart controllers, rain sensors, and zone-specific watering capabilities. Advanced systems can significantly reduce water consumption while keeping landscaping healthy through precise water delivery.

infoHas RV parking
Has RV parking
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates whether the property has space to park a recreational vehicle (RV).

RV parking is a valuable feature for owners of motorhomes, campers, trailers, or boats who prefer to keep these vehicles on their property. Proper RV parking typically requires wider or longer driveways, dedicated pads, or side yard access with sufficient clearance height and length.

Having on-site RV parking can save owners hundreds of dollars annually in storage fees and provides convenient access for trip preparation and maintenance. Note that even when physical space exists, local ordinances or homeowner association rules may restrict RV parking or require screening from street view.

infoIn cul de sac
In cul de sac
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Indicates whether the property is located on a cul-de-sac.

A cul-de-sac is a dead-end street with a rounded turning area at the end. Properties on cul-de-sacs typically benefit from reduced traffic, as only residents and their visitors use the street, creating a quieter environment with enhanced safety for families with children.

Cul-de-sac locations often command premium values due to their limited through traffic, increased privacy, and sense of neighborhood exclusivity. Lots on cul-de-sacs frequently have unique shapes, often wider at the front than rectangular lots, potentially providing more street frontage and distinctive landscaping opportunities.



This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The specific named neighborhood, subdivision, or community where the property is located.

Communities often have distinct identities with their own character, amenities, and market dynamics. Many communities feature shared facilities such as parks, pools, walking trails, or recreational areas that are exclusive to residents.

The community location can significantly impact property values, lifestyle options, and future appreciation potential. Established communities often develop reputations for specific characteristics such as school quality, architectural styles, or resident demographics that appeal to different homebuyer preferences.

Mayland Heights
This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)

The city or municipality where the property is located.

The city designation affects many aspects of property ownership including property taxes, municipal services (such as police, fire protection, and waste management), school districts, and local governance.

City location is a fundamental factor in real estate valuation, as it defines the local market, access to amenities, employment centers, and transportation infrastructure. Different cities often have distinct market dynamics, property value trends, and regulatory environments.

This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)

The province, state, or territorial division where the property is located.

Provincial location determines many aspects of property ownership including regional tax structures, property rights legislation, building codes, and land use regulations. Different provinces often have distinct real estate markets with their own seasonal patterns and economic influences.

Provincial real estate markets may operate under different legal frameworks, particularly regarding disclosure requirements, transaction processes, and property transfer taxes. Understanding the provincial context is essential for accurate property valuation and market expectations.

This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)

The country where the property is located.

The country designation determines the fundamental legal system governing property ownership, including constitutional property rights, national tax structures, and currency denomination.

Different countries have distinct real estate markets, practices, and regulations. For international buyers, country location impacts considerations such as foreign ownership restrictions, currency exchange factors, and potential visa or residency implications related to property ownership.

This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)

The north-south geographic coordinate of the property's location on Earth, using the standard WGS 84 coordinate system.

Latitude is measured in decimal degrees, with positive values representing locations north of the equator and negative values representing locations south of the equator.

This coordinate is essential for precise property mapping, navigation, and location-based services. When combined with longitude, it allows for exact positioning on maps and enables distance calculations from other points of interest.

This value was entered from a document (this does not mean it is 100% accurate, but it is more likely to be)

The east-west geographic coordinate of the property's location on Earth, using the standard WGS 84 coordinate system.

Longitude is measured in decimal degrees, with positive values representing locations east of the Prime Meridian (which runs through Greenwich, London) and negative values representing locations west of the Prime Meridian.

This coordinate is essential for precise property mapping, navigation, and location-based services. When combined with latitude, it allows for exact positioning on maps and enables distance calculations from other points of interest.

infoPostal code
Postal code
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The postal code (or ZIP code in the US) assigned to the property's location.

Postal codes identify specific geographic areas for mail delivery purposes. They also serve as important identifiers for various services including delivery eligibility, insurance ratings, and municipal service boundaries.

In real estate, properties within the same postal code often share similar neighborhood characteristics, school districts, and municipal services. Postal codes can influence insurance rates, delivery service availability, and can be used as a quick reference for neighborhood demographics.



Waste services refers to the collection and disposal of garbage, recycling, and compost. Waste services may be provided by a municipality or a private waste management company.

infoSummer garbage pickup day
Summer garbage pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The scheduled day of the week when garbage is collected from the property during summer months.

Regular garbage collection is an important municipal service that affects day-to-day property management and convenience. Knowing the summer pickup schedule helps homeowners plan for proper waste disposal and maintain property cleanliness.

Many municipalities adjust their collection schedules seasonally. The summer schedule is typically in effect during warmer months when yard waste and outdoor activities may generate different waste patterns. Check with local waste management authorities for specific date ranges when summer schedules apply.

infoSummer garbage pickup schedule
Summer garbage pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

Details about how frequently garbage is collected from the property during summer months.

Understanding the garbage collection schedule helps homeowners properly manage household waste and maintain property cleanliness. Many municipalities adjust collection frequencies during summer months to accommodate seasonal needs.

  • Weekly: Garbage is collected every week throughout the month
  • Every 1st and 3rd week: Garbage is collected twice monthly, on the first and third weeks
  • Every 2nd and 4th week: Garbage is collected twice monthly, on the second and fourth weeks
  • Every 1st week: Garbage is collected monthly, only on the first week
  • Every 2nd week: Garbage is collected monthly, only on the second week
  • Every 3rd week: Garbage is collected monthly, only on the third week
  • Every 4th week: Garbage is collected monthly, only on the fourth week
infoSummer recycle pickup day
Summer recycle pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The scheduled day of the week when recyclable materials are collected from the property during summer months.

Regular recycling collection is an important municipal service that supports environmental sustainability and reduces landfill usage. Knowing the summer pickup schedule helps homeowners properly manage recyclable materials and participate in community environmental initiatives.

infoSummer recycle pickup schedule
Summer recycle pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The frequency of recyclable materials collection from the property during summer months.

Understanding your summer recycling schedule is crucial for effective waste management and environmental sustainability. Different collection frequencies help municipalities optimize their services based on seasonal needs.

  • Weekly: Consistent collection every single week
  • Every 1st and 3rd week: Collection twice per month, typically on the first and third weeks
  • Every 2nd and 4th week: Collection twice per month, on the second and fourth weeks
  • Every 1st week: Single collection during the first week of each month
  • Every 2nd week: Collection every two weeks throughout the summer
  • Every 3rd week: Collection during the third week of each month
  • Every 4th week: Collection during the fourth week of each month
Every 2nd week
infoSummer organic waste pickup day
Summer organic waste pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The scheduled day of the week when compostable and organic materials are collected from the property during summer months.

Organic waste collection is an important municipal service that supports environmental sustainability by diverting biodegradable materials from landfills. Knowing the summer pickup schedule helps homeowners properly manage food scraps, yard waste, and other compostable materials.

infoSummer organic waste pickup schedule
Summer organic waste pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The frequency of compostable and organic materials collection from the property during summer months.

Understanding your summer organic waste schedule is crucial for effective waste management and environmental sustainability. Different collection frequencies help municipalities optimize services based on seasonal organic waste generation.

  • Weekly: Consistent collection every single week
  • Every 1st and 3rd week: Collection twice per month, typically on the first and third weeks
  • Every 2nd and 4th week: Collection twice per month, on the second and fourth weeks
  • Every 1st week: Single collection during the first week of each month
  • Every 2nd week: Collection every two weeks throughout the summer
  • Every 3rd week: Collection during the third week of each month
  • Every 4th week: Collection during the fourth week of each month
infoWinter garbage pickup day
Winter garbage pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The scheduled day of the week when garbage is collected from the property during winter months.

Regular garbage collection is an important municipal service that affects day-to-day property management and convenience. Winter schedules may differ from summer routes due to weather conditions, snow removal, and seasonal staffing.

infoWinter garbage pickup schedule
Winter garbage pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The frequency of garbage collection from the property during winter months.

Understanding your winter garbage schedule is crucial for effective waste management. Winter collection frequencies can change due to weather conditions, holiday periods, and municipal resource allocation.

  • Weekly: Consistent collection every single week
  • Every 1st and 3rd week: Collection twice per month, typically on the first and third weeks
  • Every 2nd and 4th week: Collection twice per month, on the second and fourth weeks
  • Every 1st week: Single collection during the first week of each month
  • Every 2nd week: Collection every two weeks throughout the winter
  • Every 3rd week: Collection during the third week of each month
  • Every 4th week: Collection during the fourth week of each month
infoWinter recycle pickup day
Winter recycle pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The scheduled day of the week when recyclable materials are collected from the property during winter months.

Recycling collection remains an important municipal service throughout the winter, supporting environmental sustainability even during challenging weather conditions. Knowing the winter pickup schedule helps homeowners properly manage recyclable materials.

infoWinter recycle pickup schedule
Winter recycle pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The frequency of recyclable materials collection from the property during winter months.

Understanding your winter recycling schedule is crucial for effective waste management and environmental sustainability. Winter collection frequencies may adjust to accommodate seasonal challenges like snow, holiday periods, and changing waste patterns.

  • Weekly: Consistent collection every single week
  • Every 1st and 3rd week: Collection twice per month, typically on the first and third weeks
  • Every 2nd and 4th week: Collection twice per month, on the second and fourth weeks
  • Every 1st week: Single collection during the first week of each month
  • Every 2nd week: Collection every two weeks throughout the winter
  • Every 3rd week: Collection during the third week of each month
  • Every 4th week: Collection during the fourth week of each month
infoWinter organic waste pickup day
Winter organic waste pickup day
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The day organic waste is picked up in the winter

infoWinter organic waste pickup schedule
Winter organic waste pickup schedule
This value was estimated by Houski's AI model

The scheduled day of the week when compostable and organic materials are collected from the property during winter months.

Organic waste collection continues to play a crucial role in environmental sustainability during winter. Despite reduced yard waste, food scraps and indoor compostable materials still require proper disposal and recycling.

  • Monday: Organic waste collected every Monday during the winter schedule
  • Tuesday: Organic waste collected every Tuesday during the winter schedule
  • Wednesday: Organic waste collected every Wednesday during the winter schedule
  • Thursday: Organic waste collected every Thursday during the winter schedule
  • Friday: Organic waste collected every Friday during the winter schedule
  • Saturday: Organic waste collected every Saturday during the winter schedule
  • Sunday: Organic waste collected every Sunday during the winter schedule
Every 3rd week


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Tropicana 200 Bar & ...Restaurant4.4 km